Day 2: Carts & Condoms

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                                  D a w n :

 Needless to say, we lost six points, which left us at a 94%; much closer to zero than I'd like.

"You're a trouble child." I said to the baby. "I don't like you."

"Are you talking to a doll?" Lane asked, walking out of the bedroom in the same pair of grey sweats he was wearing the night before.

He had a bedhead that we was just making worse as the ruffled his hair and scratched his belly.

"Don't call him a doll, he's supposed to be our baby." I said.

"You want me to treat it like a real baby?" He asked.

I nodded. "No matter how annoying, this is to get the experience, and I'm tryna pass this class."

Lane rolled his eyes. "Okay then, it is pretty annoying though, like couldn't they have gotten those babies that cry and fake poop and all that goodness, at least I'd know when I was doing something wrong then."

"I know right? Like if you didn't notice, then this baby could have been outside all night and we wouldn't have known because he wouldn't have made a damn sound."

"Exactly." He agreed, smiling at me. "Ah, we're starting off to be such good parents." He said, picking up the baby and looking at the back of his neck for the score. After a second of eyeing it, his face broke into a grin. "Yeah!" He did a fist pump.

"Yeah what?" I asked.

"Ninety-four! I thought we'd have been failing by now after leaving him out for that long." He said.

"Yeah, but why are you surprised, you saw this last night, when we went outside to get him, remember?"

He shrugged. "I was half asleep Dawn."


He looked around the kitchen expectantly.

"So...where's breakfast?" He asked.

I looked over at him and he smiled.

I got up, going over to the living room and I picked up the bowl of lollipops, bringing it over to him. I emptied its contents out on the counter, causing half of them to spill over onto the floor in the process.

"Bon appétit."

He pouted as he looked at the lollipops, "I'm swear I'm going to throw up if I eat one more of those tiny devils."

"Well, then I guess we're going food shopping." I said excitedly, getting up.

"Yes, food!" He cheered.

I laughed at that. "I'm going to go get ready then, maybe we can stop by someplace for breakfast on the way."

He nodded. "Yeah, sounds great."

I went into the bedroom, closing the door, but on the other side of it, I could hear the sound of a lollipop unwrapping.

Of course.

                           *     -     *     -     *

I pushed the cart down the snack isle, looking at all of my glorious options.

I looked in the cart to see I already put in two packs of lollipops, Reece's peanut butter cups, M&S's and numerous packs of Haribo, which we both loved.

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