Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

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Before we get started, when you see this symbol: "ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ" please start playing "Non je ne regrette rein". It's beautiful piece, goes good with this chapter for me. Your choice to play it or not, but you'll be missing out. Anyway, continue :)

Narrator's POV

Stephen laid on his side in his bed, staring at a needles on his nightstand next to a closed orange bottle. "Hmm..."

He closed his eyes.

Then opened them back up.

The needle was gone.

A small smile formed on his lips.

The pain was gone.

"Rise and shine!" His door swing open.

"Oh, for fuck sakes. I'm trying to have a calm morning." Stephen said.

"Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Tony said. "But don't worry, I brought some-" He quickly ducked.

A yellow spear hitting the wall above him.

"-eggs." He finished.

"I hate eggs." Stephen said, turning on his other side, away from Tony.

"Okay." Tony set the food on a dresser next to the door. He slowly walked toward Stephen. "Not hungry, I see."

"Don't." Stephen said.

Tony stopped, then he looked at Stephen. "Or what?"

"I'll kill you." Stephen said.

"No, you won't." Tony said, coming closer. "I know you won't."

Stephen stretched out into a long shadow, screeching at Tony.

Tony stood there, not very surprised. "I know this one. It's not gonna work this time." He said.

Stephen stopped and went back to wrapping himself in his covers. "I hate you."

"You keep saying that..." Tony said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Stephen had his back to him.

"...but I'm starting to think you don't really mean it." Tony said, reaching for Stephen.

"Anthony, I'm waning you." Stephen said. "Do. Not. Touch. Me."

"Stop being such a grouch and-Ah!"

Stephen quickly took Tony's wrist in his hand and pulled him closer, bring a blade up to his throat. "Don't touch me." He said angrily, his eyebrows furrowed.

Tony looked into Stephen's eyes. He didn't see anger in them. "I don't see the anger in your eyes." Tony said. "All they seem to display is fear and remorse."

Stephen's expression softened. "I-Ah!" He gasped when he felt a hand on the fire arm of the hand holding the blade. He looked up at Tony.

"Let's sit and talk a while." Tony said, giving a kind smile.

Stephen began to slowly relax, drawing the blade away from Tony.

Tony patted a spot on his thigh.

Stephen sighed and laid his head on Tony's thigh. "It's been four days since I last injected something into my body..."

"Good. Good." Tony said, crossing Stephen's messy bed hair.

"...and I keep getting all these memories." Stephen said. "The drugs, they helped me forget it all. All the pain went away, everything went away. It was like I wasn't even alive anymore."

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