VII : Part Two

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(Herein, lies the second part of chapter 7.)

+ Unedited +

Chapter 7b / Unseen 2

"Some things should have never been seen in the first place."
- K.O


Despite the alarming news that had just been passed by the reporter, Rhoda knew and understood that she had to pull herself together - if not for herself, then at least for Melissa, her distraught best friend.

And other than that, Rhoda could still decipher the same persistence in Melissa's eyes and even her 'aura'.

Truthfully, the news Melissa had just heard made her even more perturbed about what Rhoda must have seen that evening. Could it be what she suspected?

Therefore, she couldn't help but maintain same inquisition. Probably a greater measure, even.

So, Rhoda didn't need a green light signal before speaking up. Only such aura of grit was enough.

Then she began, "Well, yesterday," uncertainties Rhoda couldn't control (no matter how hard she'd tried) raged through her mind, "While I had gone to bring a glass of water for you, I heard a loud noise; like someone had slammed something - probably the door, I suspected."

Rhoda swallowed hard and scanned Melissa's features for any ounce of reaction; probably surrender; surrender from her determined eagerness.

But Rhoda's eyes beheld nothing more than the initial curiosity that Melissa's features had initially been bathed in.

Apart from the evident form of curiosity, remembrance was something Melissa's brain was becoming familiar with at that point.

So, it wasn't quite surprising that Melissa remembered that part; she remembered slamming the door against his face.

But whatever happened after she'd did that was what she had no idea about. And that was also the cause of the horrible goosebumps and weird signs her being had been in contact with since she woke up.

Her assuredness of the fact that something had gone wrong rose again and fueled her determination to find everything out, more than ever.

So, Melissa motioned - with a push of her head skywards - for Rhoda to continue.

That she did. "Surprised and alerted by that noise, I quickly rushed over to the parlor. And that was when I saw you laying lifeless on the bare floor. I was surprised and horrified. But then I gathered enough courage to open the door and view what might have caused your scream. But what I saw totally left my mouth agape and my heart racing, till this minute."

"I couldn't believe the sight that laid before me."

This was the point Melissa's initial inquisitiveness turned into maximum fear.

What/who could Rhoda have seen?

The stalker?

Could he possibly have shown himself to her beloved best friend?

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