Weiss Is Waifu

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Weiss POV:

I can hardly believe it, my betrothed is here. Just a moment ago he was nuzzling against my cheeks, causing me to blush infront of my teammates! And now he's hugging Blake while she is losing all color on her face. She looks to be shivering even!

Me: Hawke? Please let go of Blake! You're making her incredibly uncomfortable!

Hawke hesitantly lets go and walks back over to me , sits on my bed while grabbing me by the waist and pulling me onto his lap. Again a blush overcomes me and I can't help but to nuzzle into his shoulder.

Me: I missed you~

Hawke just grips me into a tight embrace and we look into one anothers eyes and before I new it we were kissing! Oh how this reminds me of our honey moon!

Ruby: Ahem! Not infront of my-

Yang: Our.

Ruby: Right, OUR nephew!

I quickly realize I had pushed Hawke onto his back and started undressing myself! I quickly apologize to Hawke and my teammates and I go to run out of our dorm when Hawke grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him.

Hawke: It's alright love! Nothing to be embarrassed about! We were merely showing our affection for one another~

Yang: Well you can show "affection" to each other some other time! I need to know how you two know each other! And also how you know Blake!

Hawke smiles and looks at Blake. I must admit I'm curious how they know each other as well...

Hawke: Well I know Blake because....

Blake looks even paler somehow and begins to hyperventilate

Hawke: Of our mutual friends Sienna and Illia!

Blake looks at Hawke curiously and then sighs in relief?

Blake: Y-yes of course! Sienna was a frequent customer at your bar right?

Hawke smiles and nods his head, meanwhile Yang, who had laid down on her bunk had arose in an almost terrifying, if not numerous manner

Hawke smiles and nods his head, meanwhile Yang, who had laid down on her bunk had arose in an almost terrifying, if not numerous manner

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Hawke: Yup!

Yang swoops over and looks Hawke dead in the eye...

Yang: A bar? As in booze? As in alcohol?

Hawke yet again smiles and nods, causing yang to become a starry-eyed chibi version of herself and hug her brother, crushing me between them!

Me: 'GASP' Someone! Anyone! HELP! 'gasp'

Emerald walks over to us and pulls Yang off and hands her Hawke's child, then she did something that no-one... well maybe Hawke, was expecting.... she cupped my cheeks, and pulled me into a kiss.

3rd POV:

Time stopped for a moment for three members of team RWBY... the RBY part.... as they watched jaw dropped and slightly jealous, as Weiss, The "Ice Queen"Schnee, started kissing back. Hawke somehow found this normal and started cheering the two on before realizing the situation.

Hawke: Uhh not that I'm not enjoying this but, Duncan needs to take a nap! Then we can all talk, like people! Not horny teenagers!

Emerald+Weiss+Yang: But we are!

Hawke sent them all a death glare that would make even the hardiest of men quiver in their boots

Hawke: My baby. Is. Tired. NOW ALL OF YOU LEAVE FOR A MOMENT!

Not wanting to test him they all left allowing him to put together Duncan's port-a-crib, after some struggling to get a giggling and squirming Duncan into his onesy, he placed him in his crib and gently kissed him goodnight while lightly petting his red hair

Hawke: I love you Duncan, I love you so. so. much. Goodnight.

Hawke went to rejoin the others when he heard some shuffling coming from the crib. Turning around he saw a sleepy eyed Duncan sitting and then...

Duncan: Love dada too!

Hawke froze.... he fought tears, he looked at his son and smiled.

Hawke: I-I love you too bud! G-goodnight!

Duncan rubbed his eye and then waved

Duncan: Night dada...

And then he fell asleep....

Hawke quickly left the room, crying. Not tears of pain or sorrow. But tears of pure love and joy. Now he had to find the others...

Sorry for no lemons in this chapter. I wanted something heartwarming before something lewd. Now if you are all wondering, " Corruptprophet777 Why even have a poll if you aren't going to write a lemon"? Well, fear not my loyal followers! I shall write a lemon in the next chapter! After all we need to find out what Emerald decided to tell team RWBY while Hawke was getting Duncan ready for sleep! So as of now, I will start thinking lewd thoughts about lewd thots!

In less perverted news, I am trying to get back into writing. It isn't easy to write all the time, and I really only do it when inspiration strikes! But I have a hard time getting inspiration lately, but I'm not done yet. I am not quitting on this, or any of my stories for that matter! I just need time.

After all quantity is something most people strive for, but QUALITY is something few achieve!

Thank you all for staying with me and for actually reading all of my ramblings and stories! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you all!

Sincerely yours,


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