A Note

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This is a brief note to the readers who chose to click into a nobody's account to read a book that exists due to a sudden urge for expression.

I do not own BTS or any other characters introduced in the book.

All incidents are a figment of my imagination, and the storyline, till some extent, is original. This means that it might be inspired by other books I read, but the basic idea remains original.

I shall not accept or entertain disrespectful comments to the characters  or the author. Let us not waste our time spreading hate, as no one has got anything from being a hateful douche.
Criticism ✔
Hate 🚫
Know the difference.

The updates are not timely, no special schedule is followed.

With that, I hope that y'all enjoy the book.

More angst

And if you haven't clicked away already, thanks for bearing with me! Seems like you're unbothered with all the sad shit.

Kindly comment and upvote!
Your patience is appreciated.

The story shifts timeline from college to adulthood in the criminal world.

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