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If you acquired my fortune,
You inherited my sins too.
You're culpable to my wrongdoings.

Seokjin felt broken till the extreme core when he was told that his older son, Taehyung had been brought to the hospital too.

His delinquencies were coming right back to him. His little ones didn't deserve to suffer because of him.

Time passed slowly as the doctors rushed him into the intensive care unit as well. Seokjin just stared and watched as everything went up in a frenzy. He only caught a glimpse of his handsome boy's face and his heart seemed to come to a hault.

The child was struggling for each breath. His forehead was slightly deformed and the leg twisted at an eerie angle.

Seokjin looked away and choked back a sob. He couldn't see his child in that state. No way.

His head was thudding hard, as though the nerves were crippling to open up. He cursed at himself for all his desperation of being comforted. He despised his own self, for not being able to understand the bona fide purpose of his now nemesis.

A young Seokjin held his two boys in each protective arm and cradled them, often nuzzling his nose in their soft tummies, making them giggle.

And suddenly, the bell rang, startling their little play session.

He opened the door and was shocked to see the man standing there. The man with whom he had made love a few months ago.

"What are you doing here, Jaehwan?"

"Oh Jinnie please call me Ken. And are you not going to welcome me?"

"Wow. I gave you my body that night, hoping that it would light up the possibilities of an always. But no. You, in spite of all your sweet talk, left me waiting for you for how long? And then you come back here to-"

Despite Jin's opposition, Jaehwan had placed his lips on the formers and Jin found himself kissing back. He missed the feeling. Jaehwan's lips felt nothing as good as Joon's, but Jin didn't really mind.

Kissing still, they made their way to the room in which two infants lay, looking around them and understanding some things of their own accord. The younger one often said something incoherent, and his twin would chuckle at their own, personal, innocent jokes.

"Ken- Ken stop it!" Jin got Jaehwan off himself with some difficulties. "They're my babies, aren't the the most beautiful little boys ever?"

Jaehwan looked at the boys with slightly irritated eyes, clearly unpleased due to the interruption. But he smiled afterwards and picked one of them up with not so much affection and care.

"They are beautiful indeed. They're Namjoon's?"

Jin, who seemed to be lost in his own world admiring his infants smiled and said absent mindedly, "of course they're Joonie's, I guess that's where TaeTae gets his IQ from. He's such a curious lovelie."

Jaehwan cringed at the name of his enemy, and then smirked, knowing that he had the latter's soft spots right in front of him.

"Would you tell them about your cancer when they grow up?"

"I won't, I don't want them to know that their appa is damaged."

So here it was. He knew Jin's secret that would help him maintain a grip on the latter.

"How about you give me a blowjob?"

Jin was shocked, but he decided to take the ill demeanor as a joke.

Ken held him by the neck with an animalistic look in his eyes and forced Jin to lay his child back down in his cradle and brought him to the bed harshly.

He undressed both of them and looked at Jin's tear clad eyes.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. We don't have to do anything, I wouldn't force you."

Jin said nothing for a while as he covered himself with sheets. After a while, Ken joined him under the covers, whispering apologies.

"It's okay Ken. It's just that, it's so exhausting handling two infants on his own that-"

"I hate Joon for leaving you like this. He's becoming more and more cruel by the day."

Ken smirked as he filled  Jin up with the false facts, he needed to man to get him information, and that would take time.

Meanwhile, Namjoon looked at the deserted road in front of him. He was going straight to the devil's abode and he didn't have any of his men with him.

He looked at the traffic lights signalling him to stop.

Traffic lights, prepare to be ignored. He thought.

It would be man against man now. Enough of the cold War that had caused the events of that day. He would handle everything on his own.

But he didn't know that Jaehwan's attacks would be emotional in nature. And R never tolerated divulgers, no matter whoever they may be.


Ight how's this?

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