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Humans are born with two innate fears; the fear of falling, and the fear of loud noises. All other fears are developed overtime, thanatophobia or death anxiety being one of the most common ones.

It takes months to safely bring a life into the word, the mere painful process of childbirth lasting for hours. But the appreciation for the newly born is developed in mere seconds. Then it takes days for the parents to get used to the feeling of "its just them and their children." Another year for the child to walk away from their protective arms.
But the feeling of accepting that the child has, left them, it takes an eternity to develope.

So as Kim Seokjin sat in front of his old friend, Min Yoongi with his husband, Kim Namjoon having an arm around him, his heart thudded awfully in his chest.

"I'll be straight forward with you both. This part is never easy, no matter how many years you put in as a doctor. Telling someone, especially parents, the possibility of the fact that their child might leave them when they have spent only a few years with them is always a brutal task. I am afraid, but his condition is critical. We'll be performing painfully critical surgeries tomorrow. I'm afraid but- the probability of it being successful is, well negligible. If we fail we might have to keep him for perennial care- oh. It means extended care in an attempt to keep the patient in the best possible surroundings during their final times."

Jin had hidden his face in his crooked hands half way through Yoongi speaking. He was sobbing, silently. He didn't want to hear any of that. His son would come running to him just as he'd call for him. He always did so.

Namjoon, despite the pain in his neck stayed strong. He took a deep breath, but it stayed constrained, somewhere in his chest.

Yoongi looked at them both with soft eyes, he said as he passed some documents to Joon, as Jin still hadn't looked up from crying, "Before we finalize the surgeries for tomorrow, you're required to sign these papers."

Joon's hands shook as he held the pen in his hand. He took deep breaths in order to calm himself down, just what he had learnt to do when he got shot during a war. Just wait until help comes.

Jin looked up with tear grazed eyes and looked at Yoongi with hope filled eyes. Suddenly, he held his hands and said with desperation, "Yoongi please, please save my-my c-child. I-I'll always be greatful just, please I-"

"Jin. Calm down."

Yoongi motioned for Joon, who was on the verge of breaking down again himself, to call for Hoseok who was waiting outside.

Hoseok held Jin's crying figure in his arms and whispered words of affection. And so, Joon decided to check on his elder son too, clearly not expecting the vicious news that his other son was being brought to the hospital too.

It is really time to end some universes and kill some bitches, he thought.


It's a filler idk I just am disappointed with it XD.

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