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"As a boy, forgiveness, as a man, vengeance"

Lee Jaehwan wore a knowing smirk on his face, clearly delighted to hit Namjoon with the facts that would pain his mere existence.

"So, you and your husband are divorced because of you being an ass hole-" He said with no courtesy.

"That's not your problem-"

"Do. Not. Interrupt. So as I was telling you, you're divorced. But you still love your husband? The cliche'love story. So, I actually manhandled your husband a few times and man, he fell head heels over me.

And so, he agreed upon getting me information about yourself. Such a dumbo, right-"

Namjoon had held Jaehwan by the neck as he hissed through gritted teeth, "Don't. Disrespect. Seokjin."

"Okay man, calm down, calm down. I'll choose my words a little... wisely now. So yes, using the information, I was able to manipulate some of your men into working for me. And guess what? At this point, none of your men are loyal to you. They all work for me. Ever wonder why me, a nobody was able to rise to being the second most powerful Mafia leader of Seoul? Well I've been using your resources for so long.

All the battles we fought in the recent years, I was able to win them because your own men were against you. And you didn't even realize. God, are you that dumb?

And oh, the one time you got injured, stabbed in the chest to be specific, it was Seokjinnie. Baby is so, so talented.

But I really do respect you. You always managed to handle everything on your own during the duels-"

"Enough." Namjoon whispered. He could swear that getting stabbed hurt less than getting to know that it was his own Seokjin doing it.

Why? Everything seemed so perfect.

"I'm sorry for stabbing you-"

Namjoon took a deep breath, resisting the tear dreading to fall. And then, he strangled Jaehwan by the neck and pressed his gun to his head, "W-why my kids?"

"Ooh, easy R. How about you turn back and see the people who've come to meet you?"

And Namjoon turned, keeping a firm grip on the gun, still.

And there they were. The traitors. His men pointing their guns straight in his direction.

"Told you, you aren't the assertive one here."

Jaenwan sat on his chair comfortably, and looked at Namjoon kneeling before him, a symbol that he was surrendering.

He held Namjoon's head and brought it close to his shoes, forcing the man to press his lips on the sole.

Namjoon took in a deep breath, his eyes watering at the disrespect.

Night fucking changes.

"Now, dog, you have two options, you can either run like the useless piece of shit that you are, or you can die, right here. What do you wish to do?"

After innumerable, painful insults, Namjoon sat in his car, indecisive of who was to be blamed for his situation.

He drove straight to his place, hoping to collect the arms that he would require to exist.

Just as he was about to get out of his car, he felt bristling pain in the back of his head, like something burning had grazed over it, and then,

He passed out.

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