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Seokjin's phone rung, making him get out of a realm of self pity, and for one thing, he was no where near delighted looking at the caller's ID.

"The fuck do you want?

"His next move-"

"Don't you think it's inappropriate for you to ask-"

"I've just gotten him shot for the moment, you know I can get all of you killed and you won't even know."

"I've been in this deceptive hellhole for so long, I can't take it anymore. I could be living my best life with my family but you have always inveigled me into doing this, this crazy shit for you."

"Jin tell me what-"

"Fuck you! God fuck you! I refused to follow your orders for one damned time and you do this to my child! Do you still expect my loyalty? I am leaving your acquaintance and god, don't you dare do anything to my husband and my family. I know too much about you for you to be able to do that."

With that, Jin didn't hesitate or think twice before hanging the phone and throwing it in a corner. He had to talk to Namjoon about this labyrinth that he had unwillingly created. But would he get forgiveness? He was still unsure. Despite knowing that Namjoon's love was still ever so strong for him, this was the anatomy of arrant betrayal.

16 years ago

Jin touched the matted hair on his scalp before tugging at the back of his head and pulling the wig off in one go. He got up and looked at his reflection, only to see a bald and aging man look back at him. That was the real him. The version of himself he had his from Joon and everyone. He liked how everyone thought of him as a healthy medical student, he often symbolised health and goodwill to his colleagues, but little did anyone know that he was quite the opposite of what they thought he was.

He had always chosen wit over emotions, had always held his tears in.

But in that moment of uncertainty, he cried.
Cried because of the separation from his soulmate.
Cried because of the pain he always felt.
But above all, cried because of the future, which suddenly felt so dark.

And he was very, very startled when he heard the bathroom door open and an unknown man look at him in his vulnerable state.

He hid himself and cried even more. Joon wasn't even home, so calling for help would be no use at all. He covered his naked scalp.

Little did he know that in that night, he would make mistakes that would affect him for an entire lifetime.


I will update tomorrow and everything will make sense then.

Just suffer a little till then. Love you XD

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