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Meanwhile, Namjoon and Yoongi sat together in the hospital canteen, drinking coffee.

Namjoon's heart was paining badly. He wanted revenge, he yearned it. But he was stuck with an old friend who offered him sympathy, something that he hadn't been granted in a long time, so he chose to stay.

Yoongi asked, "Joon- When did things become so messed up between you and Jin? And how the fuck did you end up in all this illegal shit?"

15 years ago

Joon looked at his husband who was now nine months pregnant, but still unwilling to ask for Joon's help.

The downfall of his personal life was synchronising with his mafia group's rise to power. He hated this, he wished he could turn back time to do his marriage with Jin justice, but the odds of him being able to do it? Negligible.

Suddenly, he heard Jin scream. He ran to him to see the latter struggling to stand up, a pool of water leaking from between his legs.

"Shit-" He whispered.

He immediately picked him up in his arms, for the latter was in a state of unutterable pain. Jin hid his head in his ex-husband's neck, the pain in his lower stomach bringing tears in his eyes.

Joon walked down the stairs ever so carefully, for he was handling three lifes, not one. Jin had gotten noticeably heavier since the last time he had picked him up.

He gently put him on the car's passenger seat and drove to the hospital, his heart thudding so hard against his chest he was sure it could burst.

Suddenly, he felt Jin squeeze his hand, hard. He turned to look at him and said, "Jiinie, be brave. In a few moments you'll be holding our babies."

"T-they're c-crowning-"

Jin broke down in a scream.

Joon kept on whispering soft words to him as he drove with maximum speed and skill.

On their way to the delivery room (idk) Jin asked, "I feel like I'm about to d-die J-joonie. T-take care of them if-"

"Shut up! Nothing's gonna happen to you!"

During childbirth, Joon was holding Jin's hand the entire time. He loved how brave and strong his Jinie was.

When he was given his older boy, 'Taehyung' to hold as Jin cradled 'Jungkook' in his arms, Joon broke down in happy tears. He just realized how beautiful the birth of life was.

He hugged his child tight, careful to not crush the life in his arms. He looked at Jin with love filled eyes, and the latter surprised him by pulling him closer and kissing him with tear drenched lips.

Suddenly, Joon felt contentment. Like all the starts had aligned and that's what life was meant to be~ Him and his family.

But just as he felt contentment, he felt a crushing emotion called regret. He had ruined all the chances of having a 'perfect family.'

He laid his forehead against Jin's as they both caressed their babies.

"I'll always protect them." He said looking at the innocent boys staring at him with sparkling eyes.

"I know you will."

"Jinie~ I'm sorry I ruined everything."

"Where the hell are you lost Joon?" Yoongi asked waving his hands in front of Joon's face.

"I ruined everything."

I have a  feeling this isn't good enough.

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