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As Namjoon parked his car in front of the familiar mansion and pulled out the silenced gun from the backseat, he felt extremely void. He didn't know what he were to do when he met his enemy who had inflicted upon his soul the ugliest strain.

Walking powerfully towards the main gate at which two guards stood, chatting away incoherently.

He raised his handgun from his back pocket in a swift motion, and then with effortless expertise, buried a silent bullet in each of their heads, the only sound being the latent sound of the bullet cutting through the air.

The two men fell to the ground, clearly astounded.

R walked on in his own volant yet calm pace, capering over fences right towards the direction where he knew Ken would be.

The security is so fucking infirm, wonder why I haven't killed this man off already.

He saw a man notice him and walk towards him briskly. Smirking, he pulled out his gun and shot him in the left part of the chest, smiling as he saw a bossom carter right where the bullet had hit him, a look of confusion pass through his face, and then he fell too, a pool of blood forming around him.

A few more turns, and he was in front of the most protected room of the mansion, the room that was obviously sheltering the devil himself.

He knocked on the door, and a tall man opened the door.

Wow, the devil is here to greet me himself.

Lee Jaehwan was shocked for a moment, then he said, "Oh, I've been expecting you Namjoon!"

Namjoon pushed him aside and sat down at the office chair in the middle of the room, leaning back and keeping his legs on the table, ever so savagely.

"I ain't here to be all happy dappy with you. What do you want?"

Jaenwan smirked as he sat in front of Namjoon's feet, on the opposite end of the table.

"I bet you won't be so assertive when I tell you everything."


Updating imposed intimacy later. Maybe.

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