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Hello, reader. This is a fanfiction from Kindergarten games 1&2. This fic was originally requested on my one-shot book, but I am putting it here instead. Mainly to continue the story without it getting in the way of my oneshot writing. The original request was from DomGoesWriting. So I hope you enjoy.
(The storyline and the characters do not belong to me. They belong to their original creators.)
The story is set in Monty's Diary. I forgot to add Monty's NOT in his wheelchair.

OMG! I'm suffering from the worst case of CRUSH-ITIS ever!

This morning I had these fluttery butterflies in my stomach that were making me feel SUPERnauseous😔! But in a really GOOD way😄!

I felt SO insanely happy I could just . . . VOMIT sunshine, rainbows, confetti, glitter and . . . um . . . those yummy little Skittles thingies!

I still can't believe my crush, Carla, actually texted me last night after I left her birthday party.

And you'll NEVER guess what happened??!!


And yes, I know it's NOT like a real date or anything. But STILL!

I was SO elated, I blasted my FAVE music and danced around my bedroom like a MANIAC . . .

Hey! I was beyond FIERCE! I was an air-guitar-playing machine!

After dancing in my room for an entire hour, I was so tired I could barely breathe.

That's when I collapsed into a wheezing, sweat-soaked mass of body odour and sheer exaustion.

A very HAPPY wheexing sweat-soaked mass of body odour and sheer exhaustion.

WHY? Because any minute now, Carla was going to contact me so we could make plans to hang out at Crazy Burger.


So I snuggled into a comfy chair, stared at my phone and waited patiently for her call.

I WAITED . . .

And WAITED (2 hours later) . . .

And WAITED (4 hours later) . . .

And WAITED (6 hours later)!!

Before I knew it, it was bedtime. I felt like I'd been waiting FOREVER . . . !!

But no call! No email! Not even a text message! I even checked my phone to make sure the battery thingy hadn't run down or something. Unfortunately, my last call was from my BFFs, Felix and Teddy. They had called me late last night with some REALLY juicy gossip.

Apparently, someone had showed up at Carla's party unexpectedly to drop off a present for her shortly after I had left.

You'll NEVER guess who it was!


Okay, I'll admit it was really nice and sweet of him to do that. But he had totally overlooked one very important little detail . . .


Which meant MISTER THANG had basically CRASHED Carla's party! Like, who does that?!

My BFFs told me that Buggs was playing with his hair, giggling and flirting with Carla like crazy. Then he got superserious and asked to talk to her PRIVATELY about something really important!

JUST GREAT 😔! Now I'm really starting to -worry- PANIC!

What if Buggs told her some awful lies about me so she wouldn't want to be friends anymore?!!

He's always talking about me behind my back and saying stuff like, "Monty's a hopelessly insecure, fashion-challenged, diary-obsessed DORK!"

Which is so NOT true! Well . . . maybe it's a little true. Okay! Actually a LOT true. But STILL!!

WHY did all of this have to happen just when Carla and I were about to have our very first date-that-really-isn't-a-date 😢?!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let Carla call me tomorrow!

Carla x Monty- Holiday HeartbreakKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat