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Last night I dug around in the garage and found a big box of Penny's old water toys that had been put away back when she was a toddler. Hey, I was desperate!

But the good news is that I found the cutest little floating-toy thingie that fit around my waist perfectly.

As long as I didn't try to breathe.

And packed in the same box was some SUPERold swim trunks that belonged to my grandad when he was a little boy.

I thought I looked pretty cute walking out to the pool for swimming class.

Until Felix gasped, Teddy covered his eyes and everyone else stared.

Buggs just looked me up and down like he had never seen a guy in swim trunks. Or Sierra, a hot pink Princess Sugar Plum Baby Sea Horse floating toy wth purple hearts on it!

I mean, WHERE has that guy been all of his life?

Under a ROCK?!!

Then Buggs batted his eyes at me all innocent-like and made a very snarky and insulting comment in front of the entire class.

"Um, excuse me, Monty. But the class for Water Babies meets tomorrow at four p.m., NOT today."

Of course everyone else snickered.

I could NOT believe that boy had the nerve to publicly insinuate that I was a Water Baby!!

"Gee thanks, Buggs, for the info on the other class!" I said really sweetly. "Now why don't you go and jump into the deep end of the pool, swallow twenty-seven gallons of water, and EXPLODE!"

And of course my gym teacher didn't help matters any. She said I couldn't get into the pool with my sea horse because floating toys were NOT allowed.

But I didn't see that rule posted on the wall. It only said:


Anyway, I must have had a really big breakfast or something, because when I tried to take it off, that stupid sea horse was STUCK! Even Felix and Ted couldn't pry it off me. . .

And because I could hardly breathe I started having these really WEIRD hallucinations. I saw myself:

In bio class sitting next to Carla while wearing the sea horse.

Going to the Sweetheart Dance wearing the sea horse.

Graduating from high school wearing the sea horse.

Moving into my college dormitory wearing the sea horse.

Getting married wearing the sea horse.

And holding my first child wearing the sea horse.

OMG! It was like I was going to be STUCK wearing the sea horse the rest of MY LIFE!

That's when I just totally lost it and started SCREAMING hysterically!

Or due to a lack of oxygen, maybe I was just HALLUCINATING that I was screaming hysterically. I really couldn't tell for sure since I was very confused.

That's when my gym teacher called the janitor and told him to come ASAP because she had an emergency situation.

He actually had to cut the sea horse thingy off me with these giant metal clippers. Which of course made me supernervous.

One little accidental SNIP and I could have lost an arm or leg or something.

Hey, it could happen! I'd ALREADY lost a braid to Penny just eight days ago.

Anyway, the good news is that after the janitor finally got that thing off, I started breathing again.

OMG! I felt SO much better after that sea horse fiasco was over!

But the suprising thing was that my gym teacher actually gave me a passing score on my floating skills test for 'Good Effort!' Mainly because she said she'd had enough DRAMA for one day and DIDN'T want me in the pool endangering MY life, HER life, or the lives of the other STUDENTS in the class.


was SUPERhappy things turned out so well! ☺!

Anyway, I still had to figure out how I was going to ask Carla to the Sweetheart Dance.

I had no idea how all of the other guys at my school were brave enough to ask their crushes to the dance.

I guess the major difference is that i'm a spineless coward and just the thought of Carla possibly saying no totally freaked me out.

I decided to take the direct approach: Track her down in the newspaper office. And just . . . ASK her.

I mean, how hard could it be?


I had a dry mouth, shaky knees, and a stomach full of rabid butterflies.

And that was from just merely thinking about it.

But apparently, Carla and the rest of our photography staff were on a two-day field trip touring a local community newspaper. So my only option is to talk to her about the dance when she returns on Wednesday.

I STILL can't believe I actually passed my floating skills test!



Carla x Monty- Holiday HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now