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(That was me screaming!)

I was totally FREAKED out by what I saw in the halls when I got to school this morning.

It was surreal! I felt like I'd walked into one of my worst nightmares. I wanted to just call my parents and go home.

WHO did this to me?!!! And WHY?!!!

Only three other people at school knew about it.

'It' being that horribly embarrassing photo that my bratty sister, Penny, accidentally texted to the ENTIRE world.

Okay! Well, maybe NOT the entire world.


Just looking at that photo gives me a migraine . . .

Felix and Ted were really upset and have pinkie sworn to me THREE times that they had NOTHING to do with it. And I really want to believe them.

So that leaves . . . CARLA. But WHY would she do this? Or give my picture to someone who would?

Anyway, this what I saw when I arrived at school this morning.


But the most humiliating thing is that everyone thinks I plastered tho hideous posters around the school because I WANT to be voted Sweetheart Prince.

When in reality, I DIDN'T put up the posters! And I DON'T want to be voted Sweetheart Prince! Okay, so maybe I wouldn't mind all that much if it actually happened.

But come on! I'm the biggest loser in the entire school. Like, WHO would even vote for me?!

And even if there WAS the possibility of getting a few random votes from students, I'm sure my very creepy picture made them change their minds.

This little STUNT had Buggs written ALL over it! I would give anything to know how Buggs got his grubby little hands on my photo.

Thank goodness my BFFs were there to help me rip the posters down.

It took us, like, FOREVER!

Why in the world would Buggs do this when he knows I'm not going to the dance? Maybe he's just trying to rub it in my face that I don't have a date. I'm so sick of his little mind games!

Then, to make matters worse, I got a text from Carla during lunch.

* * * * *
You looked kind of freaky in that picture.
But you're STILL my friend :-P!
12:36 p.m
* * * * *

It's going to take me YEARS of intense therapy to get over all the traumatic experiences I've had in middle school just this past week!


(That was me screaming AGAIN!)


Carla x Monty- Holiday HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now