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I was so excited about my BIG suprise for Felix and Ted that I could barely eat breakfast.

Thank goodness I had just enough money for six tickets saved up from babysitting Penny and my allowance.

I begged my mom to drop me off at school ten minutes earlier than usual so I could buy the Sweetheart Dance tickets before Felix and Ted arrived.

As I rushed down the hall, I passed a bunch of guys who had obviously just purchased their tickets.

Several boys kissed their tickets, while others just stared and giggled hysterically. One guy twirled in circle and another jumped for joy.

OMG! It was like being in the hallway of a mental institution or something!

But the good news was, it looked like tickets were STILL available! Woo-hoo!

However, this is what happened when I tried to buy mine . . .

"Um, I'd like six tickets to the dance, please!"
"Actually, we just sold out!"

I couldn't believe my ROTTEN luck!

"No more tickets are available?! Are you SURE?!" I asked desperately.

"Since we're having a special catered dinner for the dance, we had to turn in a figure for the number of students attending one week before the event. Unfortunately, our adviser placed the telephone call with the final headcount five minutes ago. So we can't sell any more tickets. Sorry!" Said Cindy, the cheerleading captain, as she pulled their poster off the wall.

"Just GREAT!" I muttered.

Then I turned around and rushed straight down the hall to the nearest boys' bathroom.

I locked myself in a stall and waited until the bathroom was completely empty. Then, in a very CALM and MATURE manner, I did what any normal guy would do in my exact same situation . . .

I had a really good SCREAM 😦 . . . !

Which, for some strange reason, always makes me feel a lot better 😀!

But now I had a whole NEW problem.

Felix and Ted were expecting this HUGE suprise.

And NOW I didn't have anything to give them!!

Which meant they were going to be SUPER- disappointed.

How CRUDDY would THAT be??!!

I dug through my locker, trying to find something to give them.

A mouldy peanut butter sandwich?

My favourite not-from-the-mall old hoodie?

An opened pack of tissues?

A half-used ink pen I stole from a teacher

My situation was hopeless!

Maybe I could give them something really unusual.

For me, anyway.

Something that would require honesty, integrity and maturity.

Like maybe . . . the TRUTH?!

"I'm really sorry, Felix and Teddy, but as a suprise, I tried to buy tickets to the Sweetheart Dance for you both, but they were sold out" ?!


Unfortunately, honesty, integrity and maturity are NOT my strong points.

So instead, I decided to just fake it by givig them some junk from my locker . . .

Of course, they both thought I was nuts. They looked at me, and then at their 'suprise', and then at each other, and then back at me, and then at their 'suprise' again, and then back at each other.

Finally, Theo forced a smile and said, "Monty! Um, thanks. You . . . shouldn't have!"

But Felix was NOT having it. "Yeah, Monty. He's right! You really SHOULDN'T have! You're kidding, right?! Please tell me this isn't the big suprise you were telling us abo-" That's when Ted gave Felix a swift kick in the shin to shut him up.

"We totally love our gifts! Right, Felix?" Ted said, glaring at Felix through a fake smile.

"I'll love them if it will keep you from KICKING me again!" Felix grumbled under his breath, still rubbing his shin.

I plastered a fake smile across my face. "Um, you're both welcome! ENJOY!"

And YES! I was a total loser for tricking my friends like that.

And now I'm feeling REALLY guilty.

I can't believe I actually gave my BFFs a slightly used TISSUE pack and a PEN!!

I mean, WHO does THAT?!

I'm such a TOTAL LOSER!

I wouldn't even want to be FRIENDS with MYSELF 😢!

Unfortunately, my day didn't get any better.

Once I got home, there was even more bad news waiting for me.

Axel Danner had called and said he needed to reschedule for next month. He's in the process of producing a television special for Lady Gaga and was going to be in New York City for another three weeks.

So now my band and I WON'T be meeting with him on Saturday to discuss recording our original song.

My exciting career as a filthy-rich, world-famous POP STAR was over before it had even gotten started.

That's showbiz!

Carla x Monty- Holiday HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now