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Today I agreed to watch Mrs Cookies' adorable little grandson Dayl for a couple of hours while she played bingo at the senior centre

Okay! I admit I was wrong! I should NOT have teased Penny about having a crush on Dayl last week.

And I don't blame her for STILL being a little mad at me about that silly K-I-S-S-I-N-G poem.

But I never imagined she'd go hide in a closet and refuse to play with him. Especially after they got along so well when they played together at Kandy Kingdom in the mall.

Trying to coax Penny out of the closet was a major headache. "Come on, Penny! Why don't you come out and play with Dayl? It'll be fun!"

Dayl smiled and nodded his head. "Penny, do you wanna play Princess Sugar Plum Monster Truck?"

Finally Penny slowly opened the closet door and peeked out.

I couldn't believe Penny was acting like such a little drama queen!

She knew good and well that if Dayl wasn't visiting, I'd snatch her butt out of that closet so fast she'd have a permanent wedgie

Penny rolled her eyes at me and finally stomped angrily out of the closet.

That little brat didn't appreciate the fact that I'd spent fifteen minutes setting up the family room with assorted toys, games and stuffed animals!

I'd even managed to find some dinosaurs, astronauts and wild animals for Dayl, thanks to Princess Sugar Plum's Journey to Dino Island, Blast-Off Voyage to Mars and Swinging Safari Adventure.

But in spite of a room full of toys, Penny and Dayl just sat there staring at each other like strangers.

"Hey, Dayl! Look at this cool T. rex!" I said enthusiastically. "ROAR! ROAR!"

"And, Penny, why don't you show Dayl your Princess Sugar Plum spaceship with real-life blast-off sound effects!"

"No way!" Penny grumped. "Boys have COOTIES!"

Dayl looked sad and sighed. Poor kid! I felt really sorry for him. Then Penny got really personal and started dissing MY babysitting skills.

"Monty! As a babysitter, you STINK! If Miss Brianna was watching us, we'd have lots of fun!"

"Fine!" I said. "Then let HER do it! She'll see how hard it is to watch a little brat like you."

"Fine!" Penny yelled at me. "You're . . . FIRED!"

That's when Penny brought out Miss Brianna.

A smile spread across Dayl's face as he quickly pulled his tattered Mr Buttons sock puppet from his pocket. Within seconds Miss Brianna was showing Mr Buttons Penny's Princess Sugar Plum spaceship.

"I'm an astronaut, and I've been all over the galaxy! Wanna see my moon Dust?" Mr Buttons asked.

"You actually have REAL moon dust?!!" Miss Brianna exclaimed.

-Dayl- Mr Buttons reached into Dayl's pocket and dumped a small pile of sand and rocks on the floor . . .

"COOL!" Miss Brianna gushed in amazement.

I couldn't believe my eyes! Soon Miss Brianna and Mr Buttons were having so much fun laughing, playing, and running around that Penny and Dayl joined in too.

The -two- four of them took a trip to Mars and had a conversation in an alien language. Then they hunted for the tooth fairy in the jungle while riding on dinosaurs.

Since Miss Brianna had both of the munchkins under control (Penny was right, she WAS a pretty good sitter!), I decided to chillax by having a snack and writing in my diary.

Everything was going great until I heard Dayl crying. Apparently, Mr Buttons was missing. Penny insisted that he had been KIDNAPPED by the tooth fairy.

Dayl was SUPER upset. "I w-want Mr B-Buttons! He's my b-best f-friend!" He wailed.

Soon Penny and Miss Brianna started to cry too. "Mr Buttons is g-gone f-forever!"

It looks like I'll have to finish this diary entry later. Right now I have a babysitting emergency on my hands!!

I've heard how people can end up emotionally scarred for life simply by losing their favourite security blanket or toy as a little kid.

Which probably explains why a lot of the kids at my school are so MESSED UP!

But what am I supposed to do in a situation like this? Call 911 and report a missing dirty sock named Mr Buttons?!



Carla x Monty- Holiday HeartbreakTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang