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Yesterday I was so upset about Carla and that stupid bio quiz that I planned to go straight to my room and have myself a big pity party.

Penny was in the kitchen humming to herself and working on her Princess Sugar Plum -valteen- cards . . .

That's when the most FABULOUS idea popped into my head!

I had totally embarressed myself trying to ask Carla to the Sweetheart Dance.

But what if I gave her a Valentine's Day card instead?

Then I could WRITE a little note inside inviting her to the Sweetheart Dance!


How could she say no to that?!!

I scavenged the house for cool stuff I could use for her card and found glitter, satin ribbon, red foil, wrapping paper, lace, rhinestones and gel pens.

Then, blasting my favourite Taylor Swift tunes for inspiration, I created a beautiful, one-of-a-kind, personalised valentine just for Carla . . .

The final step was to write a deep, heartfelt poem inspired by our friendship and mutual respect for each other. Like . . .


Yes, I know!

My poem is cheesier than two large pizzas.

Taylor Swift makes writing mushy love song look really easy.

Anyway, this morning I went to school ten minutes early so I could give Carla my card before classes started.

But it wasn't until second period that I FINALLY spotted her at her locker talking to Ozzy!

I didn't have a choice but to go into stalker mode and secretly follow her around, waiting for the perfect moment to give her my card.

But that moment NEVER came. Someone was always hanging around or talking to her. I didnt know the girl was so popular.

Although I was still pretty traumatised from that pop quiz fiasco yesterday, one thing was very clear. Corning Carla in bio class was going to be my ONLY chance at attending the Sweetheart Dance!

I got to class superearly and just sat there clutching my card, waiting for her to arrive. I was a nervous wreck!

And having the extra time to think just made me worry about all the things that could go wrong AFTER she read my poem.

I mean, what if Carla said NO? Or laughed at me? Or just . . . PUKED?!

OMG! I was a sweaty, paranoid . . . WRECK! I felt like people were staring at me and whispering about me . . .

When Carla finally arrived, I thought I was going to pee my pants.

"Whats up, Monty?!" She said, brushing her hair out of her eyes and giving me a crooked smile.

I just stared at her. I opened my mouth to say hi, but no words came out.

"Um . . . are you okay?" She suddenly asked, looking concerned. "You look a little, um . . . frazzled!"

"Actually, Carla . . ." I finally blurted out really loud, "I just wanted to give-"

"Caaar-la! Wasn't that pop quiz yesterday just AWFUL?" Buggs asked, rudely interrupting me. "I thought I failed for sure. But lucky for me I squeaked by with a B+. So, Monty, what did YOU get on the quiz, hon?"

Carla x Monty- Holiday HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now