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Okay, I was TOTALLY wrong about Felix and Teddy NOT having Sweetheart Fever.

They're both so obsessed with the dance that their  brains are way MUSHIER than all of the other lovesick, mushy-brained boys at school 😔!

Of course, this was a shocking dicovery.

I first noticed it in gym calss during our swimming section at the WCD High School pool.

We were supposed to be in the water warming up and doing laps cor conditioning.

But Felix and Theo were SO excited about the upcoming dance that we spent the ENTIRE hour just hanging out on the side of the pool, gossiping about it.

Which was fine by me since i'm not that good at swimming anyway . . .

Even though they both wanted to go to the dance REALLY, REALLY badly, they had NOT got tickets yet.

And guess WHY?! THEY didn't want to go unless I went TOO!

I was like, "Come on GUYS! If you both want to go, you should just do it! I'm sure it'll be really fun and exciting!"

"But it wouldn't be the same without you, Monty!" Felix said sullenly.

"Come one, Monty! We're BFFs. We're supposed to do EVERYTHING together!" Ted whined.

That's when I totally lost my patience with thise two and yelled at them. "Really? So if I jumped off a cliff, then you two would do it also? And what if I accidentally got hit by a bus - would you want to get hit by a bus too? Come on, boys! We're BFFs! Not CLONES! I think it's time for you to grow up and get a LIFE!"

But of course I said all that inside my head so no one else heard it but me.

Even though they can sometimes be a little annoying, I would NEVER hurt their feelings on purpose. After all, they ARE my BFFs!

"Besides, I'm sure you're DYING to ask your boo, Carla, to the dance!" Felix said, and started making kissy sounds.

"Yeah!" Ted giggled. "Everyone saw you two making GOO-GOO eyes at each other at her birthday party."

Did I mention the fact that sometimes my BFFs can be -a little- SUPERannoying?

"We were NOT making goo-goo eyes at each other!" I whisper-shouted as I flushed with embarrassment.

"Were TOO" Felix and Ted teased.

"Were NOT!"

"Were TOO!"

"Were NOT!"

"Were TOO!"

It seemed as if our silly little argument went on, like, FOREVER!

"Okay, already!" I said, finally giving in. "So maybe Carla and I goo-goo eyed each other once or twice. But it wasn't on purpose. Mostly." Then I quickly changed the subject. "But what I'M dying to know is who you'd like to ask to the dance. Come on, boys! Spill it!"

Felix and Ted blushed profusely.

"Actually, I did have someone in mind. But since we aren't going, I guess that means you'll NEVER know!" Felix said smugly, and gave me the stink eye.

"Same here!" Ted said, and playfully stuck his tongue out at me. "For ME to know and YOU to find out!"

Did I mention the fact that sometimes my BFFs are a MAJOR PAIN? But it was a NO-BRAINER! They've been crushing on Kid and Jerome, two CCP guys, for, like, FOREVER. DUH!!

Anyway, even though Felix and Ted were really looking forward to the dance, the three of us decided not to go.

I was actually kind of relieved, since I didn't have a date.

I decided not to tell them about the whole Crazy Burger fiasco and Carla's text message. Or that she and Buggs were probably going to the Sweetheart Dance together.

To be honest, I wasn't all that sure about my friendship with Carla anymore.

So I TOTALLY FREAKED when she came up to my locker today acting all nice and friendly. Kind of like nothing had ever happened between us.

She was like, "Hey, Monty! Oh, by the way, about Crazy Burger. I just wanted to tell you-"

And I was like,"Really, Carla. No problem at all. Just FORGET about it!"

Then she looked a little suprised and was like, "Wait, I really need to explain. I wanted to hang out with you last weekend. But things got a little crazy. After Buggs dropped by my birthday party, I realised that I-"

And I was like, "I know! You were superbusy. But I really don't have time to talk right now. I've got a lot of STUFF to do! SORRY! Sound familiar?!" Then I folded my arms and just glared at her with this aggravated look on my face like, WHAT?!!

And she stuck her hands in her pockets and just stared at ME with this perplexed look on her face like, HUH?!!!

It seemed like all of that glaring and starig went on, like, FOREVER.

Finally, Carla shrugged. "Um, okay. I guess I better get to class. Later, Monty."

Then she just walked away! Like, WHO does that?!

How could she leave right in the middle of a serious discussion about our friendship? It was like she didn't even care.

That's when the magazine article "How to Know if a Girl Is Just NOT Into You!" popped into my head again.

I took it out my backpack and read it over. Then I crossed off another item on the list . . .

4. When you try to talk about your relationship, she just walks away.

Things had gone from BAD to WORSE!

But OMG! What Carla did later that night was totally unexpected.

She sent me not one, but TWO more text messages!!

Did I get a sincere, heartfelt apology about that whole Crazy Burger fiasco?


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8:12 p.m
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[Sorry, Monty! I just butt-dialled you. Please ignore.]
8:14 p.m
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Carla x Monty- Holiday Heartbreakحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن