Lazy Sundays

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You usually spent your Sunday's together in Hogsmeade, you would convince him to come with you. You loved it more when it snowed because snow made everything better in your mind. So when it snowed Saturday night and you woke up Sunday morning to a blanket of snow covering everything you dragged him down to the three broomsticks to get some drinks and then head outside to build snowmen together. He would never tell anyone else he did this, he would never let anyone know he had a secret soft side. Which you understood, appearances were everything for Draco and his family


Lazy Sunday's were spent at the Burrow with his mum. You would both come to visit the family, everyone would come. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, George, Arthur, Percy, Bill, Charlie, everybody would be there. You would probably spend the entire time with Molly in the kitchen helping her prepare the food for Sunday dinner. Or you would curl up on the sofa in front of the fire doing Criss Cross puzzles while watching Fred play Wizard Chess with his brothers, complaining that he's losing a lot. Sometimes you would even go out and play Quiditch with them meaning lazy Sundays were really just act like a big kid day


You would help out in the shop whenever you could, you would restock the shelves or take inventory on things he would need to order in. Just to take a load off his shoulders, you always wanted to help him relax and it was only Sunday's he would let you since you were teaching at Hogwarts most of the time anyway. 


You both spent it doing nothing. You both liked to just relax on Sundays, order food in or use magic to cook for you. You would just like to lay on the sofa together and snuggle instead of getting anything done


You would go with Neville to visit his parents, it took a while for you to convince Neville you weren't going to run off because of them and that you wanted to be there for him. You would sit hand in hand with him while he visited 


Sunday's were spent catching up with his friends, you would meet at your local pub and have a few drinks. You would end up going home before 4pm and get snuggled up together with a film on, you would watch it together while quoting it if you'd seen it many times before

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