Ending Things^

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A/N: This is another one in the Friends With Benefits Series I'm doing :) 


You wished it was a nice clean break up of sorts but it wasn't, it was messy and everyone heard about it, well almost everyone. The only professor who really knew was Snape and that was of course because Draco was his favourite student of all time. It started with fights, over small things. You wouldn't want to stay over in his dorm, or you weren't in the mood one night and he would start something, but once all of that calmed down it was fine again. You were in your sixth year together and he was starting to get distant, spending more and more time with Pansy, you expected this of course. You and Draco weren't an item, you were just friends who had sex with one another. But when he started to get really distant and mean with you is when things got messy. 

"Draco please." You begged kissing him up and down his neck, leaving small purple marks as you went along, he pushed you off him standing up from the bed and ignoring you. He had invited you round to his dorm and was now calling it all over.
"Why did you call me round if you didn't want to do this?" You asked pulling your shirt back on over your head and looking at him, he was facing away from you shaking his head. 
"I don't want to do this anymore. It dumb." You felt a pang in your chest, part of you hoped that he was starting to fall for you but you were clearly wrong. 
"I-I thought you liked this? I thought you liked me?" He started laughing and turned around, an evil smirk was plastered across his face. 
"Liked you? I was sad and needed something to fill the void, don't flatter yourself." Your breath hitched in your throat and you nodded, not wanting to cry in front of him you just grabbed your school bag and left the dorms running to the kitchens to sit and cry to Dobby.


You were staying over at the burrow for the summer, it wasn't a big deal you were best friends with Fred and George, more friends with benefits with Fred. It had been going on for a year now and it was amazing, except for the fact you were starting to catch feelings, it wasn't supposed to be like this. It started as a stupid game, simple rules, no falling for one another, you told no one what was going on and the first one to fall in love lost. You were starting to think Fred was feeling the same way about you that you were about him and you decided that you wanted to tell him how you were really feeling.

Everyone was out for the day and you stayed behind to "study." but you really wanted to be alone with Fred since he was staying behind to work on a new invention he and George had been working on a while now. 
"Freddie?" You whispered poking your head into his bedroom, he was laid on the bed smirking at you.
"Wondered how long you would be." You walked in shutting his door behind you and slowly walking over to him, he grabbed you kissing you. You felt intoxicated whenever he did this, whenever he took charge. You pushed him back a little though wanting to talk to him first.
"What is it?" You sighed biting down on your lip and looking at him, he sat up and stared at you. 
"I love you." He was silent, you were silent as well, he got up from his bed and rubbed the back of his neck. 
"You lost the game." You just left the room, locking yourself in Ginny's and crying into the bed sheets


It was the week of the Yule Ball, you weren't going as a date with George you were just going as friends, since you were friends just with the added bonus of having sex occasionally. You were in the common room with Fred when George came in with a smile plastered across his face, you and his twin both looked up at him. 
"Georgie? You alright?" You asked, he just smiled falling onto the opposite sofa and nodded at you both. 
"He just asked Angelina to the ball." Harry said coming in after him and looking at George, Fred threw a pillow at his brother snapping him out of his day dream. 
"I was going to ask her you tool!" You started laughing trying to hide a little hurt you were feeling. Why were you feeling hurt, you knew you weren't going together but it hurt that he was so excited to go with someone else. 

You were being distant with him, or he was being distant with you you couldn't really tell since neither of you had gone out of the way to contact one another. Instead of sitting with him at breakfast you were sat with Fred and George sat with Angelina.
"The ball is tonight, we should go together." Fred said adding a grape into his mouth and smiling at you, you glanced at George before looking back to Fred and nodding.

George came over to you when Fred left to go and get drinks, you looked up from your lap at him. 
"So you're with Fred now?" You frowned shaking your head and looking at George. 
"Really? You're upset I came with someone else?" You questioned standing up and looking at him, hands on your hips.
"Look you came with Angelina and I came with Fred no big deal right?" He shook his head looking over his shoulder at Angelina. 
"I'm in love with her, I need to stop this...us, we have to stop." You nodded biting down on your lip. 
"It just did. Tell Fred I wasn't feeling well but I had a lovely night." You said before turning and walking out the great hall.


You were sitting in a cafe in Hogsmeade waiting for Harry to come and meet you, he was supposed to come and see you so you could buy him breakfast. The bell chimed and he walked in with Cho by his side, they sat down in a booth together, you didn't stick around to see what was going on, you just got up and left the cafe. Neither you or Harry were dating so it was stupid to get jealous over, but you knew over the last few months you were starting to develop feelings for him, real feelings, not just friends with benefits feelings like he had for you. 

"Where were you?" Harry asked coming into the common room, you looked up from your book and pointed at it. 
"Been reading, you were with Cho so I left you to your date." You snapped at him, not meaning to but kind of meaning to at the same time. 
"Whoa. Okay." He said sitting down in front of you, you ignored him pretending to read your book and not his hand which was travelling up your thigh. 
"Harry no." You snapped getting up and standing away from him, he was frowning at you. 
"You've never said no before." You looked down at the floor shaking your head and biting down on your lip.
"We have to stop. I'm getting attached. You said no attachments, so I lose. You win well done congratulations." You said before rushing off to your dorm knowing he couldn't get inside.


You knew it would come to and end sooner or later, you would rather it would be later than sooner since you really liked the arrangement that you had going with Neville it was nice and wasn't too much work. But you both knew what was happening, the war was coming and you needed to be ready, you both needed to be ready to fight and save Hogwarts and defeat Voldemort once and for all. 
"We need to stop." He said one morning, his Grandma was at St Mungo's and you'd come over to talk to him about the same subject.
"I was going to say the same thing." You whispered biting into an apple and looking out of the window, it was pitch black outside. Nothing had been the same since Dumbledore died. 
"We can still be friends right?" He asked looking at you, you sent him and small soft smile and nodded. 
"Of course we can." You whispered, kissing him on the cheek and leaving out the door.


You noticed, Harry Noticed, everyone noticed. Hermione and Ron getting closer and closer, it was known from the start that they would be together you just thought since you were with Ron at the time it wouldn't happen. Well you weren't with Ron, you were his friends with benefits. You thought he would develop feelings for you like you had with him but you were clearly wrong since he had called out her name one time while you were having sex and again when he was asleep. You took this as a sign to stop everything with him, to leave him and let him go to Hermione. 
"You should just ask her out Ron, she likes you back." You said one morning as he stared off after her at the table. 
"Why the fuck would you say that?" You stared at him, he was red in the face staring at you.
"You love her Ron, trust me I've noticed." You whispered excusing yourself from the table, you looked at Ron for a second. 
"We're done. No hard feelings remember, just friends." You whispered before leaving the Great hall and going to your next class.

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