My Best Friends Wedding

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A/N: Based after the war and after Hogwarts okay? Okay good. Also obvs George marries Angelina and so I made Fred marry Katie Bell :-) 


When Astoria Greengrass invited you to the after party for her and Draco's wedding you contemplated not coming since you had been madly in love with Draco since your third year. You were dressed in a deep green coloured dress, tight fitted but cut off by your thighs, you were sat at the bar having a drink when Draco came over in his suit. 
"Dance with me." He whispered whisking you off towards the dance floor, you put your glass down on a random table on the way and wrapped your arms around him. One of his hands on your waist and the other holding your hand. 
"Thank you for coming." He said with a smile on his face, in a way it broke you. Seeing how happy he was with someone else, someone who could never be you.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." You lied, his bride's eyes on you both as you swayed together slowly to the song. 

It was the last dance of the night, Astoria was off getting her bags ready and you were slow dancing with Draco again, you looked up at him. 
"I wish we could stay this way forever." You whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear you over the music but he did, he just wrapped his arms tighter around you, pulling you closer and taking a deep breath. 
"Why didn't you admit this before?" He whispered in your ear, you let a single tear roll down your cheek and lent your head on his chest. 
"I'm sorry." You answered, you stayed that way for a few more minutes just swaying along together, listening to his heart beat and praying it would never end. 
"Goodnight Draco." You whispered, standing up on your tip toes and leaving a small friendly kiss on his cheek and leaving out the door.


You were at the dress fitting, there she was standing on the stool getting it pinned into the right places. You were on another one with Hermione, and Ginny by your side. 
"You like it?!" Katie asked looking at you, you looked down at the purple tight fitted dress before nodding and smiling at her, Hermione squeezed your hip and smiled at Katie again. Everyone, except Katie and Fred of course, knew that you had been in love with Fred for the last nine years, ever since your first year at school together when he saved you from a nasty looking Hufflepuff. 

"Just wait here." The dress maker said running off with your dress in her arms, you were stood in your underwear in a private changing room trying your best to ignore the crippling feeling in your heart at the thought of Fred marrying someone else, your best friend. You thought there was something there but clearly not. 

There was a light tapping at the door and you yelled come in without thinking about it, Fred came into the room holding the dress this time, you screamed. 
"Shit! I thought you were someone else." You yelled trying to find something to cover your half naked body with something. 
"Relax I've seen you less naked than that." He said hanging up the dress and smiling at you, you had wrapped a shirt around your body and were fake smiling back at him. 
"I'm really doing this...I'm really getting married." He said clapping his hands together and smiling, you smiled back at him. Of course you were happy for him but it killed you to see him with someone other than you. 
"Congratulations, I mean it's insane." You said with a smile on your face, his smile died down and he pointed back at the door. 
"I should go finish getting fitted, mums going mental." You nodded and he walked out the door slamming behind him. 
"Fuck." You whispered falling down onto the sofa and letting a few tears roll down your face. Could you really stand up there while the love of your life got married. 

They did it, it was the after party and you were beyond drunk. You were standing outside on a balcony looking out at the moonlight when the door opened to reveal George. You smiled up at him and hugged him.
"I love him George, I love him so much and now he's gone." You whimpered throwing your shoes over the balcony and sitting on the balcony wall. You were only one floor up so it was a small jump down. 
"You love him? Why didn't you tell him before he got married?" You scoffed shaking your head.
"I was afraid of love, afraid of him rejecting me." You swayed a little, George came up beside you.
"You can't do this to be Y/N." You frowned, looking up at him and squinting. 
"Holy fuck shit balls." You yelled jumping off the balcony onto the grass below and running off, you'd just admitted to your newly married friend you loved him.

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