The Truth Can Not Long Be Hidden

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Chapter 11

Kate turns on the machine and electricity starts flowing through our bodies. I fight the urge to scream. She has wires attached to both of us. 

"What are you doing is that going to kill them?" Allison questions. Kate brought her down here to watch.

 I finally let out a scream in pain and Derek finally breaks yelling out to shifting in and out from pain. Pain makes you human. 

"Oh, come on, kiddo. Don't get all ethical on me now." Kate says smiling.

 "What are they?" Allison asks softly.

 I feel tears fall down my face from the pain, it's too much she's gonna kill us if she doesn't stop. 

"Shape-shifter. Lycan. Werewolf. To me, they're just some dumb animals." Kate replies with joy etched into her features, then she starts laughing. 

"You dumb bitch!" I yell.

 She comes up and slaps me across the face.

She flips the machine on again. Making Derek and me groan. We drop our heads waiting for our bodies to heal.  "Come here. See these right here?" Kate comes next to Derek and shows Allison his fangs. "These are canines, also known as fangs. Made for the tearing and rending of flesh. Not something you'd find on those cute little leaf-eating herbivores, is it?" Kate asks. 

"Is this a joke to you?" Allison asks. 

"Sweetheart, there are werewolves running around in the world. Everything's a joke to me. How else do you think I stay sane?" 

"You're not sane you psychopathic bitch." I growl out. 

"This one, we really need to work on her manners." Kate says with a smirk.

 "So, it was them at the high school and all the other animal attacks?" Allison questions. 

I let my head drop. She turns off the machine and blinding light. "There's actually three of them. Another younger one like them called the Beta, and then there's the Alpha. Alpha's the pack leader. Bigger, stronger, nastier. Those are the real ugly mother...."

 "Allison... you don't want to be like her." I mutter. I'm not even sure if she hears me.

Kate shuts the door. I close my eyes. I just want to sleep and Derek is already unconscious next to me. I close my eyes resting until the next beating comes.


Kate starts going through me and Derek's jackets. "Come on guys. He killed your sister. Now either you won't tell me because, well, you want to kill him yourselves, or for some reason, you're protecting him." Derek and I stay silent. She comes up next to Derek with his license in her hand. "Look at that sour face. I bet you always used to get people coming up to you saying, 'smile Derek. Why don't you smile more?' bet you got it a lot too Anna. Don't you just want to kick those people in the face?" 

"I can think of one." Derek says through clenched teeth. I give a weak smirk. That is my bro giving wise ass remarks since before I was born. 

"Promise? 'Cause if I thought you'd be that much fun, I'll let you go." She keeps going through our stuff, well know one ever told her not to touch other people's things. "All right, let's see. Nothing, nothing, nothing. God, I hate this detective crap." 

"Are you gonna torture us, or are you just gonna talk us to death, huh?" Derek asks. 

I lean close to Derek. "When I can high five again, I will high five you." I mutter.

"Oh, sweetie, I don't want to torture you. I just want to catch up." She says in a sickly sweet tone. I want to bang my head off the wall. Wait, catch up. How well does Derek know her?

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