Chapter 41

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Connor's pov

It was Thursday and graduation was in less than twenty-four hours. 

Which was pretty terrifying, I'll admit. I mean, first, you'll have to walk up on some stage to get your diploma in front of hundreds of people. Then you shake your teachers' hands even if they hated you the whole year they had you. Or something like that. 

And, it was also a bit unsettling that these would be the last two days you'll ever see some people again. Maybe that sophomore who wished us a happy pride a few weeks ago would grow up to be some huge businessman or something and totally forget us. Or maybe Alana, who was obviously going to be the valedictorian, would get accepted into some Ivy League college and also forget she was ever friends with us. Although I really hope she doesn't forget us because Zoe would be crushed. Not to mention the fact that they're dating.

Let's just ignore the fact that Zoe's still a junior since we'll probably rub it in her face that we're leaving this hell hole and she's still stuck here for another year.

Actually, scratch that, let's not ignore that. I will purposely rub it in her face.

"Connor?" Evan's voiced snapped me out of my daze.

"Uh, yeah?" I looked up to meet his eyes. Which were still an amazingly blue and I think I know why people say they get lost in someone's eyes now. 

"Your lunch, remember?"

"Ah." The chicken sandwich that I had hastily grabbed from the fridge as I was running to catch Zoe before she left. It was untouched, and so was the apple I stole from school yesterday. 

Ok, so maybe I did snatch it off some freshman's tray, but it was for a good cause! I swear! It wasn't like I intentionally targeted him; it just so happened that I was intimidating enough for that kid to offer his apple for peace. Poor kid had scurried to his table of friends afterward.

"Dumb banana!" Jared groaned, setting my phone down onto the grass. "Stupid Daisy set a banana right in front of the finish line!"

"Are you- Jared, you're still playing Mario Kart?" Evan inquired. "Why don't you play it on your own phone instead of Connor's?"

Jared scoffed. "Because Conman over here is still on the Bowser Cup and I'm waiting for the next cup to be released. And I five-starred everything already."

I grimaced at the nickname.  "Hey, I don't play that game twenty-four-seven, alright? Kleinman, however, your phone is glued to your face. Next thing you know, you'll show up at graduation wearing some toad costume or whatever."

"There's an actual dress code," Jared rolled his eyes.

I swear he'll go blind one day from doing that. Either that or I'll punch them out. 

Evan cleared his throat. "Anyways, Connor, sandwich."

"Fine, Mom," I sighed before taking a bite of the chicken sandwich. Why the heck I grabbed this and not the actually decent spaghetti squash thing my mom made last night, I'll never know.

The brain works in miraculously stupid ways.

Especially my brain, which seems to be three times stupider.

By the time lunch ended, I had ended up finishing the sandwich and the apple, thanks to Evan's persistent "don't waste food!" and "if you're not eating it, maybe you should give it to Jared."

And there was no way I'm giving it to Kinky Kleinman. That idiot had dropped all my grape tomatoes yesterday and refused to apologize.

So yeah. It was revenge. Fully reasonable revenge. 

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