A Regular Day In Titans Tower

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. I will try to write in the starfire and Robin pov but everyone should no how


The sun rose on the titans tower as a sign of a nice day. Starfire a team memeber of the teen titans found a fond of the sun. In her planet she had no such thing as a sun. Shelved the sun. She opened her thin purple curtains and let the sun spread across her rooms and fall on her tanned skin. It was a wonderful day. She felt it in her heart. She put on her normal purple tank top and short skirt as her uniform. She then added an arm bracket to finish her look. She passed her fingers through the flow of her beautiful red hair. She then said to herself. I'm ready.

She walked to the kitchen to see a her friends sitting on the couch. Raven was floating with her legs crossed and eyes focused on her book. Beastboy was complaining for he seemed to be loosing against Cyborg who was bragging his joy out. Robin though stayed silent and laughed at times while he watched the game. Starfire took a few deep breaths and remembered what humans say.

"Having the pleasure of morning." She gave a smile as her heart was pulsing her that she did something wrong. Raven took a quick glance at Starfire and looked back at her book. Starfore flew to the couch and begab floating.

"Fine." Raven said in mono tone. Beastboy and Cyborg kept clicking the remotes to the game.

"Good and yours star?" Robin asked with a smile. Starfire's lit up pink she loved it when he called her star she would feel special.

It was a name that he would mostly use after Toyko even though he acted like nothing happen they both took it a little conclusion. They did seem to what care,but Star felt that it was Robin who didn't seem to care as he showed nothing.

Robin smile then faded as he looked back at the screen.

"BOO-YAHH " Cyborg then broke into his victory dance.

"NO, FAIR YOU CHEATED!" Beast boy yelled as he threw his controller on the floor.

"Come on titans,breakfast!" Yelled Robin. The room some what smelled like a pancake house. Starfire Sat on a chair and Robin passed out plates Beastboy Sat next to Ravens left and Cyborg next to beastboy right. Star Sat on Cyborgs right. Robin placed a plate with two pancakes and eggs with a side of greasy steaming bacon.

"Thank you, Robin." Starfire said with a smile as she got her plate.

"Here you go raven." Robin gave a plate to Raven. She slammed her book and began eating. Starfire just stared at hers she was so scared she was going to mess up in something she grabbed her fork and carefully began eating.

"Yeah my tofu pancakes are ready." EVRYONE took out there tongues and we're grossed out by his food. Robin then sat next to starfire and began eating. Her heart raced she really didn't want to screw anything up.

"So...Star...do yo-" robin was interrupted by rays of red flashes fled among the tower and the sound of loud beep flew the ears of the titans.

"Titans GO." Robin yelled as they all left threw the door.


Guys please this IS a sucky chapter but keep reading please I would really enjoy it because believe me it does get better.

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