Chapter 1

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It was a quiet night. And all that could be heard where sounds of the guard's footsteps patrolling the facility.
The white porcelain comedy mask was sitting silently on the fancy pillow that was now covered in black liquid.

It had been up for some time, and it has been around midnight when the guards would check the containments of the scps.

Slowly, the footsteps of a guard got louder and louder as the metal door could be heard sliding open. The guard slowly stepped closer to the control panel next to the window to 035s containment cell. But just before the guard fully turned away from glass, a voice... Was heard. Soon another sound came from the room and all that followed was another sliding of a door. A Baritone sigh could be heard as the banging of thick shoes was heard walking closer to the exit of the room.

The night seemed to be going on for centuries and all that the doctor could think about was the day that the people here would understand that he was trying to help. But It didn't matter he thought to himself. They could never truly comprehend what he is up against and truly appreciate his concern for their race. He thought and thought again until the sound of the elevator ding echoed through his hall.

The quick footsteps of what he thought was a guard had been getting louder, he didn't think much of it and laid back down onto his back with his hands held together on his stomach. But then the sound of his door opening was acknowledged and the doctor sprung back up into a sitting position. He threw his legs off the bed and looked at who in their right mind here would be trying to open his containment cell on purpose.
Who he saw was not who he expected but was grateful for the encounter. He stood up from the bed swiftly, falling back down a little trying to get his balance. He stepped out of the door frame and the two old friends greeted each other.

"Greetings old friend it has been some time since you've visited." The doctor began with a pleasant tone.

"Well, darling it's not easy when we are forbidden to visit each other." The mask said with some sass. They had decided to take a little walk after that.

"So have they been giving you any human test subjects after your incident?" The mask excitedly jabbed the doctor with his elbow.

"Well, they had been giving me some animals that are very close to human anatomy." He frowned but very quickly regained emotionlessness.

"But enough about me, let's talk about you," the doctor said in his usual mechanical sounding voice which made the mask flustered but he quickly brushed it off.

"Well? What would you like to know darling?" The mask said with a flirtatious tone. The doctor carefully eyed the mask and snorted lightly, quickly looking away. The white mask looked at him in surprise and announced: "you wanted to know something?"

"Oh right sorry, so anyway are they letting you have hosts for anything other than interviews or are they giving you hosts for any tests?" The doctor asked curiously. "No, not really."

"No, for what exactly?" Right at that moment, they heard another set of footsteps marching towards them. There wasn't anywhere to hide and little time to react.

The footsteps were those of another guard and when he saw the two scps he had gotten completely paralyzed with fear. Or so it seemed but it was way too easy to get rid of the witnesses.

The mask excitedly walked behind the doctor and watched closely as he had so many times before. He knew the doctor didn't like him standing so close behind him but he knew he would tell the mask to move 'anytime now he thought'.

The doctor was focused on his work but it was clear to him that the figure behind him had enjoyed seeing him work, so for the first time, he didn't mention it.

First You RUN Then You RUN (Scp Fanfic) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now