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Warning(s): swearing, Remus being Remus

Remus' POV:

UGHH! I'm fucking boooreeedd! School hasn't even started yet and I'm already ready to go the fuck home!

I got the green pen out of my backpack. I had to dig around the bottom to find it, pulling out a lotta more stuff in the process.

I drew an octopus. A green octopus! ..Do I know that it will probably annoy my soulmate? yes. Do I care? no.

Once I finished drawing the octopus, I looked it over to admire my work. It was messy but that was intentional, I liked it.

I looked back up at the clock to see how much time passed while I was drawing.. five minutes?


I, next, dug around for a black pen and wrote the words Fuck you on my right middle finger.

Now I'm ready to doubly flip everybody off!!

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