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TW: oh wow, nothing really.. a bit of Remus being Remus but that's about it..

Roman yelled at Remus when he came home and saw the disaster that he had created with Roman's makeup.

He didn't care, it distracted him from asking if Remus had finished his homework.. which he hadn't. He didn't care about that either. Remus just packed up his unfinished assignments and went to bed.

-Time skip brought to you by that feeling you feel when your crush wiggles their eyebrows at you and you can't tell if they like you or if they're just being silly-(heH, todaY oN actuallY happeneD)

The next day in class, Remus' teacher came around to collect the homeworks. She paused at his desk and asked for the homework. Remus got it out of his bag. I was wrinkled and he tried to smooth it out like a paper bill on the side of a vending machine before handing it to her.

She frowned, it was completely blank. Remus hadn't even bothered to write his name on it.

"Remus, this is unacceptable!" She complained, "Why didn't you do your homework?"

Remus only shrugged in response prompting the teacher to shake her head and continue collecting the homeworks and get on with today's lesson.

Once the class was over and everyone was packing up and leaving, the teacher called Remus over to her desk. She waited for the other students to leave before explaining; "Remus, your grade in my class has fallen below the failing line. The schools policy is that you get paired up with a tutor."

Remus didn't agree but he didn't object either.

"I'll find someone to tutor you and you'll met with them on Fridays after school. Write that down somewhere!" She added, "these are mandatory sessions!"

Remus nodded and scribbled something in his notebook as the tardy bell for the next class rang.

His teacher wrote him a pass to class and he left the room debating whether or not to actually attend the next class. He hadn't done that homework either and he was failing that class as well.

3rd Person POV: Logan

Logan was also called to the teacher's desk after class, but not because he had forgotten the homework. He was asked of his availability on Friday afternoons.

Logan admitted that he did not often have plans on Fridays after school so he was indeed available to help tutor some other students.

Just like Remus was given a pass to class, Logan received one as well. Though he actually went to class, unlike Remus who hid in the bathroom until lunch.

A/N: kinda short but I'm regaining a bit of motivation for this story.. sooo yeah.. maybe comment on it a bit because the human connection will make me feel like a person again? ..What?!

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