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A/N: m'gay let's see what I can do here- oh and also MAJOR TW

By the end of the week, Logan sat at the table in the library that he and Remus always sat at when they worked on homework and other classwork that the dyslexic boy was struggling with.

But.. he didn't show up. Logan waited an extra half hour before messaging him.

"Remus?" He texted, "are you coming to our session today?" Logan asked.

Another half hour went by with no reply and Logan continued to worry. He got up from his chair, leaving his backpack and homework at the table. The logical boy got into his car and drove to Remus' house, parked the car in his driveway, got out, and rang the doorbell.

Roman answered. "Logan, hey, what do you want?"

"Is Remus here?"

"No.. I thought he was with you?" Roman replied, confused.

Logan became even more worried, "he didn't show up! -if something happens.. oh this is all my fault!" The boy blamed himself.

"What are you talking about?" Roman asked, clueless.

"Nothing, thanks for your help. Oh-" he turned back around after beginning to leave, "call me if you find Remus. I'm worried about his state of being" Logan told the boy in red before going back to his car and driving off.

"His state of being?" Roman repeated, even more confused. "What could that mean?"

Remus walked to the library. Was he two hours late to his and Logan's session? Yes. Did he care? No! Hotel? Trivago-

He didn't see Logan but he saw his things there. The boy in green figured that his apparent soulmate would be back to fetch his items so he precariously left a certain letter folded up on top of an open notebook before leaving.. for good.

Logan drove back to the school. He had to pick up his books and papers since Remus never showed up. He went back into the library but found the doors locked.

Remus walked down the street, he waited at the green light for it to turn red so he could cross and wondered why he hadn't just walked out in front of the traffic.

Using a paper clip that Logan found in the bottom of his backpack, he picked the lock of the library..

"Wow, you're probably the first one to ever break into a library" someone said from behind Logan.

He turned around and gasped, "Virgil-"

"Yeah, that's my name. What are you doing here?" The short boy in purple asked the much taller male.

Logan shrugged, "I had a study session but my partner didn't show up so I went looking for him- didn't find him so now I'm back to pick up my books and such but the door was locked" Logan explained.

"Why didn't your guy show?" Virgil asked.

Logan shrugged, "I'm not sure"

Remus walked down the road. He was heading to the bridge that allowed cars and other vehicles to pass above a large, flowing river.

The logical boy went inside the library as Virgil turned and left and Logan began to pack up his things. The pencils and pens he had gotten out, worksheets were put back into their respective folders and he put away the notebooks. A folded piece of paper fell out of one of them as Logan put it in his backpack. He bent over and picked it up.

Remus was walking alongside the steady traffic, people were heading home from work and honking a few times as they got antsy.

Logan bent over and picked up the paper, he slowly unfolded it and began to read.

"Dear Logan, I'm sorry I'm such a bother...." the male that the note was addressed to read it in his head and gasped as he began to cry. What was Remus planning on doing? Logan had an idea and desperately hoped he was wrong.

Remus' feet started to hurt a bit as he walked. How far was this bridge anyways?

Logan left his things there in the library and ran outside again, he jumped into his car and drove to the bridge, screaming angrily as he faced some traffic that prevented him from getting to where he presumed Remus to be.

Remus took his raggedy shoes off and placed them on the edge of the bridge. Then he looked out over the river. Watched it flow for a bit. Then he climbed over the low fence and stood on the edge of the bridge, holding onto the railing behind him, the breeze blowing through his hair.

"ReMuS!" Logan yelled. He left his car in the middle of the road, which some other drivers were very upset with, and ran over to Remus. "Please don't jump, let's talk about this!" Logan begged, hoping is soulmate would come away from the edge.

"Why? So you can tell me how much you hate me? No thanks!"

"I don't hate you Remus! I never said I did!"

"The why won't you go out with me?"

(A/N: proceed with caution, if you're thinking this ends well, you're wrong. Stay safe everyone)

"It's not that it won't, just not now. I've got some things going on and-" Logan saw Remus take another step towards jumping so he reached forward and yanked Remus back, pulling him close into a deep kiss.

"I love you" Remus said, pulling away slightly, "but you don't really love me-" Remus pushed Logan back and allowed himself to fall off of the bridge and into the chilled water.

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