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TW: Remus being Remus, -confrontation-

This next study session went better than the last, Remus tried a bit harder, though he still got frustrated easily and gave up quickly, Logan was able to help him with a little less than half of the work. A big step up.

Afterwards, Logan spoke with the librarian about what he noticed in Remus, "has no one thought of this before? Doesn't this school have a program to aid in these types of situations? I'm just a high school student, I'm not trained in dyslexia!" Logan complained to the librarian.

She was understanding, "I'll talk to the other administrators and some of his teachers to try to work something out"

"I'm guessing they just assumed he didn't care about school, not that he just needed a bit more help"

As Logan walked down the hallway, someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned around the see who it was. He looked just like Remus, only much, much, cleaner.

"Hey, you're Logan, right?" The boy asked.

"Yes, do I know you?" Logan replied.

"I'm Remus' brother, Roman. I just wanna say that even though you're not getting paid you should just help anyway, it's the right thing to do!"

Logan looked confused, he furrowed his eyebrows slightly and involuntarily tilted his head. "I'm not sure I understand what you are referring to."

"You help Remus with his homework and stuff after school on Fridays, right?" Roman clarified.

The intelligent boy nodded, wondering where Roman was going with this.

"Yeah, well he said you weren't helping him and didn't care! So if you've been told to help him with homework then I advise that you do!" Roman said, his voice growing a bit louder and more menacing as he stepped closer to Logan, their faces less than a foot apart. Logan was a few inches taller than Roman but that didn't make him any more powerful than the angry boy.

Logan felt crowded and stepped backwards a few measures, "wait- he said that I didn't care? Falsehood, I tried to convince him to pay attention but he merely tossed the papers onto the floor in protest!" Logan explained.

Roman crossed his arms as the bell rang for class, "that's not what he told me!"

"I don't know what to tell you, Roman, perhaps he's not telling you the truth, but I must be on my way." Logan told him before rushing off to his calculus class.

The logical man groaned quietly in class, an unusual gesture of his. But he felt an all too familiar tingle on his arm. Remus was drawing again. It was last week, Friday, when Logan deduced that Remus was his.. soulmate. He had been the one drawing the inappropriate images on his arms.

The feeling was too distracting, he couldn't focus on his work so Logan raised his hand and asked permission to use the restroom.

He closed his books and got up to leave the room.

Logan looked from right to left when he reached the hallway and saw that no one was there so he pulled up his sleeves to see what the verdict on his arm was this time.

Logan walked into the bathroom and stopped in his tracks, his arm immediately dropping to his side, his mouth gaped open.

Remus looked up, "hey nerd.... y-you Gucci?" He asked, seeing the pained expression on the other's face and looking him up and down, the intelligent boy had marks on his right arm.... the same as Remus'....

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