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TW: Yeah, nothin' really.. if you see anything let me know and I'll add it

-startin' our the chapter with a time skip to Friday afternoon brought to you by Jared's (not me Jared but the Jared from Dear Evan Hansen-clarity)"KiNkY"-

Once the bell rang dismissing students to go home, Logan went directly to the library to meet the person he would be tutoring. He made sure to pull his sleeves down even more hoping that would not reveal the drawings on his arms as he would be 'up close and "personal"' with this stranger.

Logan sat down at a table and waited for, he looked at the name on the papers, -Remus to show up. It was possible that this person had their last class at the other side of the school so it might take a few minutes for them to get there.

Logan looked over the papers that were there. It was mostly unfinished homework and classwork. The papers were wrinkled, ripped, and stained. Remus had not taken proper care of the work he had been assigned.

Most of the questions and problems were quite simple, Logan thought. He could probably finish all of these within a few short hours. But that was not what was expected of him, he had been asked to help tutor Remus, help him learn, not to do the work for him. That might be a struggle but Logan, by this point, was up for the challenge.

Logan looked up when he heard a thud. Someone had plopped down in the chair across from him.

"You are Remus, I presume?"

"Yep" Remus replied, clunking his backpack down on the floor next to him.

A/N: short chapter, again, they're all short.. sorry, I suck at writing. I'm trying to get better but I don't think that's feasible for me-at least right now.. ¯\_()_/¯

-nonbinary slice of bread, Jared

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