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Warning(s): wow..nothin' really..

POV: 3rd Person

"Yo who r u?"

Logan completely ignored this message that someone had written on his hand.

He didn't want to know who this idiot was and he didn't want them to know who he was.

Eventually, school ended for the day and students were arriving back at home or going out to the fields for practices.

Logan did not participate in these athletic activities. He much rather preferred his Chess Club which held meetings during lunch.

Back at home, Logan spread his books out on the kitchen table and began his homework. Nearly thirty minutes in, his soulmate decided to write on his hand again.

Out of curiosity, Logan watched the letters appear on his right hand.

Logan sighed and placed the tip of his blue pen to his hand and wrote out,

"Who r u" was the response.

Logan rolled his eyes and got up to wash his hands. He scrubbed them with two squirts of soap and the writing faded and started to disappear.

Remus, at his own house, sitting in front of his own homework-which he wasn't planning on actually doing- watched the words on his hand fade as well.

He sighed, this was one of the only times he was able to get into contact with his soulmate. They had never replied to anything he wrote or drew before. In fact, Remus' brother had told him several times that he didn't have a soulmate, because who would love him? He's so annoying. Remus was starting to believe him..

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