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Warning(s): swearing, Remus, ruining of makeup

1st person POV, Remus:

No, I'm not actually going! I don't need help—I don't want help! Besides, no one would want to help me anyway. Sure I'm failing all my classes, but who the fuck cares? I don't even want to go to college, I want to be Ronald McDonald at McDonald's.

Okay—any clown really. Maybe I could perform at kids' birthday parties.. scar them with my humour! Now, that's more like it!

....I wonder what I would look like as a clown.

3rd Person POV:

That's when an evil smile spread across his face. Roman had told his brother that he was going out to a cafe with some friends. Remus stayed home to 'finish his homework.' But, of course, he wasn't going to do that, he was going to sneak into Roman's room and steal his makeup. Then paint clown makeup on his face.

At this moment in time, that sounded like the best idea he had ever come up with! He went to Roman's makeup desk with the big white fancy mirror over it and applied the bright red lipstick all around his lips, putting the cap back on with the stick still twisted up-which instantly destroyed the expensive application tip. Next, he put on a heaping dose of purple eyeshadow, ruining that makeup as well and creating a huge lavender mess on the counter which he didn't bother to clean up. The blush was next- Remus used the brightest pink he could find and doused his cheeks in it.

Then Remus looked up in the mirror. He looked like a clown, indeed.

"Perfect!" He mused.

A/N: yeah this whole story is a one shot in my one shot book as well.. I'm still not sure if I want to continue this story as a complete book or just a mini-thing..
I'll take suggestions?
Oh! And also I'll probably add more to my "drama" book as well.. more stuff has happened since then soooo

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