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TW: Remus being Remus- I'd get into specifics but if you're reading an intrulogical Fanfiction it's kinda your fault anyway. So just read the story, vote, and comment- but mostly comment 'cause I need some interaction and constructive criticism! Thanks! -Jared

"How did it go?" Roman asked his brother after he arrived home.

Again, Remus just shrugged.

"Well did you get your work finished," Roman asked, trying to get something out of him.

"No, we didn't do anything. Just sat there the whole time"

"Really? Who's your tutor? Why didn't they help you?"

"Logan, I don't know, it's not like he's getting paid so there's nothing in it for him I guess"

"Oh.." Roman said, "I guess I'll have to talk to this Logan guy" he mumbled.

Remus did practically nothing all weekend, as usual. He laid around in his bed until noon both days, then transferred himself to the couch in front of the television. He ate junk food for breakfast, lunch, and for dinner- though he was really just grazing all day. Remus stayed up until two or three in the morning on the weird side of  YouTube and scrolling through his for you page on TikTok.

His school week went similarly. He stayed up much too late but actually sat in his classes at school. He didn't do any homework or classwork.

Friday came soon enough and he was scheduled to meet with Logan again.

"Hello, Remus" he logical boy greeted, "how was your week?"

"Eh, it was fine" he replied.

"What shall we start working on today? English? History? Science?"

The boy didn't reply.

"Okay.. let's start with English. You still have those vocabulary words from last week. Did you happen to look over the definition of deliberately?"


Logan pushed the packet over to Remus, "it's right here, just read off the definition"

"Why don't you do it if you're so smart?!" Remus shouted, standing up from the library chair.

Some students and teachers who were still there looked up at him then turned back to their work.

It was then that Logan had a realisation. "You can't read" he said calmly.

"What?! Of course I can! Everyone can read! I'm not- I'm not dumb!"

"Okay, then let's see you read this definition" Logan picked up the paper and handed it to the dirty man.

Remus sat back down in the padded chair and squinted at the paper. "Con.... science and interesting.. this doesn't make any sense!" He threw the paper back down on the table.

"consciously and intentionally" Logan read. "When you do something deliberately, it means you do something on purpose." He explained.

"On purpose, Eh? Well watch me do this 'deliberately!'" Remus stood up from the table and grabbed a sharpie that had been lying on the table and quickly drew a dick on his arm, smirking across the table at Logan.

Logan raised his eyebrows and started to speak but paused, there was an all too familiar feeling on his right arm.. he brushed over his sleeve with his left hand and let his eyes fall closed. Logan took a deep breath, all of his reactions remaining subtle despite the screaming that coursed through his mind. "That's actually a valid example, Remus, good job." Logan pointed out.

Remus stopped smiling, he was confused. The unmannered boy expected Logan to get angry with him or tattle on him.. not praise him. "Uhh, thanks-" Remus replied, slowly sitting back down.

"What about this next word?" Logan said, pointing to the next term and definition on the list.

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