1st Trimester ❤

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Rebecca and Colby woke up the next day, it was a Wednesday, and Rebecca had her first doctor's appointment which they are both very excited about.

Once Rebecca got checked in, they went and sat in the waiting room. About five minutes later a lady came out and call Rebecca Quin. They went into the room Colby sat in the chair next to Rebecca's bed that she was on. The doctor came in, “Hi, my name is doctor Chelse Rose I will be your doctor from now until you deliver the baby. You will also see me every four weeks.”

They all shook hands. Dr. Rose said, “Today I will will calculate your due date, schedule blood tests, I may perform a pelvic and breast exam, measure your height and weight, listen to your heart and lungs, and touch and push lightly on your stomach.” Rebecca and Colby both nodded. The doctor did everything she was going to do. She is due on May 26, 2020

Once they got home Rebecca was extremely tired so she went to take a nap and Colby called to order pizza for them. when Rebecca smelt the pizza she immediately woke up and ran down the stairs just to eat. 

The next two weeks went by really fast, it was time for Colby to go back to the WWE which he was very happy and Becky was happy that he was doing back, but she was also very upset because she had no one to talk to. In 2 weeks Becky has to go back to the doctors for her next appointment which will be she will be 2 months pregnant. Colby will be back for that day. 

It is now time for another doctor's appointment Colby is with Rebecca they walk into the doctor's office, get checked in, and sit in a chair to wait for Rebecca's name to be called. 

Today at the doctor's appointment they got to see the baby for the first time and get pictures once they were done they went out to dinner and then went to Colby's mother's house to show her the ultrasound pictures. she was so excited to see her grandbaby. 

When Colby left to go back to work he had a surprise for Rebecca. When she opened the door, her best friend Charlotte was standing there with her arms out wide. Once Becky and Charlotte were done with their hugs, they went out for the day. Becky showed her pictures of the baby, and she was excited to meet her god child. 

Becky’s next appointment was in 3 weeks and she couldn’t wait to get more pictures of the baby. Charlotte stayed for another week, they went shopping, out to eat, and bought baby stuff all on Colby’s card of course. When Charlotte left Becky decided to go stay with Holly Colby’s mother until he got back. 

For the next two weeks Rebecca sat with Holly, helping her around the house, talking about Cobly’s childhood, and talking about her grandchild that she can’t wait to see. 

The day before Colby got home Rebecca looked at Holly and said, “Holly, I’m scared.” She said, “Of what dear.” That’s when Rebecca said, “Of not being a good mom as she broke down in tears.” Holly said, “Rebecca let me give you a little advice no one is perfect the first time but you will learn and you will be an awesome mother.”

Right after Holly said that Colby came through the door because he came home early and immediately ran to Rebecca putting her in his arms, and comforting her until she calmed down. They went home to get ready for her appointment tomorrow. 

They did the usual routine at the doctors. Doctor Rose told they everything was going okay and she will be starting to show even more as the baby will continue to grow, and at the next appointment they will find out the gender. Once they got home Colby made dinner while Rebecca took about an hour nap then got a shower. 

When Rebecca got out of the shower and got dressed she noticed a bump forming on her stomach just get Colby finished dinner and had everything ready. She screamed, “COLBY GET UP HERE NOW!” In panic mode Colby ran up the stairs and said, “What’s wrong babe, do I need to call the ambulance?” She said, “No you physco. Look” she pointed at her stomach as Colby’s eyes lit up at her tiny bump that was there. 

Colby grabbed Becky’s face and kissed her passionately, then they went downstairs to enjoy their dinner. When they were finished, they went upstairs and got ready for bed. Colby and Rebecca got in bed, Colby kissed her tiny bump, and said, “I love you more and more every day little one just like your mama.” Rebecca had tears in her eyes as she said, “We love you more and more every day too Colby.”

Well guys here it is the first trimester chapter and it took me a little bit to write, but I'm finally finished with it and I hope you enjoy it. As always don't forget to vote and comment. I will see you next time on All the Love: Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch.”

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