Surprise Everyone

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After the announcement on Raw they had so many congratulations from almost everyone in the locker room. When they got to the hotel, their phones started going off like crazy Colby was on the phone with his parents and Rebecca was on the phone with her’s. Both sets of grandparents were so happy that they were getting another grandson or daughter. The baby is due on April 25, 2022.

Three months later, Rebecca is starting to show and she’s heavier then what she was with Jasmine at this time. Also today is the day that they figure out if their having a boy or a girl. Holly and Annette are waiting back at the house for the news.

They have a new doctor this time her name is Dr. Monroe Sky she is a very nice lady about 27 years old. Once Colby and Rebecca got back to the room, she got the gel put on her belly. Then the screen lit up and she saw something magical, it was their baby. The doctor started with, “Okay as you can see here you have 3 healthy babies growing inside of you.” Rebecca and Colby’s eyes lit up and they couldn’t believe it. Rebecca had her repeat it three times to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. “Okay guys would you like to know what the genders are?” “Yes please” they said. “Looks like Baby A is a boy, Baby B is a boy, and Finally Baby C is a baby girl.” They were so happy when they left. Rebecca and Colby couldn’t wait to get home to share the news with Holly, Annette, Jasmine, Ashley, and Ronda. Those two were also staying with them for 8 more months because Annette is visiting, Holly live right up the street, Ashley and Colby are out on injury, and Ronda isn’t going back for another year she only came out to help Rebecca with the end of the storyline. Everyone was so happy for them when they got back and told the news to everyone. After the news they had a little get together to tell everyone, then after that social media got the news. All the people who saw the posts online were so happy for Colby and Rebecca.

The months went on and Rebecca got bigger and bigger. She always had someone at the house with her to help her get around. But that was an understatement she always had Annette and Ronda at the house. Ashley lived down the street by Holly and if Colby wasn’t home he was at the school or coffee shop.

April 24, 2022 tomorrow is Rebecca’s due date and she is more than ready to meet the babies. That night it was 11pm Rebecca woke up to go to the bathroom Holly, Annette, Ashley, Colby, and Ronda was all there sleeping. Them they were all awoken by hearing Rebecca scream for Colby. Her water broke, Colby and Rebecca got in Colby’s car and everyone else got in Ashley’s car. They zoomed as fast as they could to the hospital.

After they got to the hospital Rebecca got a room and the contractions were getting worse, she was 8cm dilated and almost ready to push. All the doctors came in and got ready once Rebecca was 10 cm dilated,  they told her it was time to push. Cobly grabbed her hand and said, “Squeeze it if you have to love that’s what it’s here for.” The doctor started to count as Rebecca pushed, “1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10” After they repeated that for a couple more times Baby A was almost there. “I can’t do it, it’s too hard.” Rebecca said screaming in pain. “You got this love, you can do it come on one more big push.” After Colby said that and put a kiss on her head, baby A arrived. He was placed in a crying Rebecca’s arms as tears came down hers and Colby’s face, they didn’t have much time to cry because after repeating that two more times all the babies have arrived. Rebecca was holding all tree of them at the same time everyone arrived in the room and asked what their names were. Baby A is Colby Daniel Lopez Jr, Baby B is Tyler Martin Lopez, and Baby C is Grace Marie Lopez. Born on April 25, 2022.

Hi guys, theres one more chapter left it will be the last one for this book. I might make a sequel to this one depends on how long quarintine for my school will last, but it’s looking like I’ll be making another book. As always don’t forget to vote, comment, and share with other Brollins lovers.

All the Love: Seth Rollins and Becky LynchTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang