Chapter 4:Forest

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We all met up and we were walking into the forest me and Sadie were looking at the beautiful views of the forest,we three decided to run around the forest and just have some fun. But then we stopped and Sadie got a lot of sticks and I used my fire noryoku to fire up the sticks. We all chilled in the forest with the fire in front of us and we all got to know each other and what our noryoku's are because we all just met really(except Jaime and her brother cause duh). Sadie's noryoku is pyrokinesis,mine is half hot/half cold and my brother's noryoku is an ice type. I kinda felt a bit tired and I accidentally laid my head on Sadie's shoulder, I saw Sadie smirk and I felt a bit embarrassed but I liked this a lot really,it was a great night for all of us and for me it was the most best time I ever had in my life. But I just don't know why I have these feelings for a girl but she is very pretty and kind though. I'll have to probably learn to accept this somehow.

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