Chapter 15:Mad scientist

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There's been this rumor going around about our science teacher,the rumor is that every year she captures random creatures and she experiments on them in front of class,that rumor is true because I experienced it...

It was 7:30A.M and I was walking to first period and I passed science class and then two arms grabbed me.
It was the science teacher that grabbed me into her room."oh,you'll be a good little creature to experiment on and don't even think about escaping"she said. While she was distracted by getting ready to cuff me,I run to the nearest window and I use my ice noryoku and made the glass thin and then,I  kick the glass and it breaks because of how thin it is now and I give the science teacher a wave goodbye and at that moment I jump right out the window and while I'm falling down I touch the building and I create an ice like slide and I slide right down.
———————-Two days later————————-
It was 11:00A.M and I was walking to third period and two arms grabbed me into the janitor's closet, and it was the science teacher that grabbed me into the closet."this time your not going to escape"she said. She then handcuffs me and locks me the closet and I'm just left in the dark,feeling lonely.
————————An hour later—————————
I heard noises coming from the door knob and then it opened and then it was the science teacher."your time has come"she said while she was picking me up from the ground and she drags me to the science class and I see shocked faces staring at me and the one familiar face was Sadie."Jaime"Sadie screams while she's getting out of her seat."Sadie help"I said. But the science teacher pushes Sadie away which made Sadie hit her head on one of the desks."sit down"she said. Sadie sits and obviously ready to cry."it's ok"I mouth to her."now class I'm going to inject warlock magic inside of this creature"the science teacher said. She takes the needle and ready to inject me with the magic,I squint my eyes shut while she inject's the warlock magic inside me. I started to feel my body sting a lot and my eyes were getting a little heavy then,I collapsed and everything went black....

I wake up in a hospital like bed and I look beside me and I see Sadie,making something and she notices I'm awake."thank god your awake,don't ever scare me like that again,but anyways how are you feeling "Sadie said."still can feel my body sting a lot"I said."oh wait,I forgot that the medicine is done"Sadie said while walking to the table beside me and then she hands me this vile with this green stuff in it."drink this,it'll remove the magic that the science teacher injected you with but the biggest reason with this is if you use your noryoku it would put a strain on your body and if you even use it for something small you probably won't survive and I don't want you to die because your the only good thing in my existence"Sadie said,on the last part she was starting to tear up and I cup her face."hey,I promise to you that you won't loose me and I Love You so much"I said while I wipe her tears with my thumbs and at that moment I kiss her on the lips,when I pulled away I took the vile and drunk all the green stuff at once."your very brave and I Love You too"Sadie said while walking to one of the windows and opened it.I smiled but then I got confused of why she was opening a window,Sadie caught my confusion."It's for the magic to exit out of the window"Sadie said. In 3 seconds,my body started to sting a lot again and I started to feel something in my throat, at the moment a greenish blue cloud came out of my mouth and flew right out the window."there we go"Sadie said while closing the window. What we did about the science teacher was a pretty interesting to do because Sadie tried to tell principal about the incident but she didn't believe her because they were friends since they were kids but one thing of proof we had is security cameras and we went to that area,we showed what happened and the principal finally believed us and we got the justice we needed to keep creatures in this generation and also creatures in future generations safe.

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