Chapter 19:Mind demons

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️
I've been starting to hear a voice in my head and it would always tell me things and I just can't help but listen to it. It would tell me that I'm not a good person and I'm not loved,says that I'm not good enough and that everyone hates me even Sadie but I knew that wasn't really true,I knew that Sadie Loves Me and I'm not going to let the voice stop me for being happy. But it can just not leave me alone,it would just start to talk out of nowhere and it wouldn't shut up and I wanted it to get it out of my head...

I was hanging out with Sadie and Kaiden,we were just chilling around and talking about life,having a couple of laughs and for me I was having a good time really."question,ratings on one to ten how innocent are you guys"Kaiden asked."for me,I'm a 5/10"Sadie said. But her face was priceless that I had to laugh."ok,ok but honestly for me,I'm a 7/10"I said."accuracy"Sadie said. My cheeks went red from blushing."your not innocent,your a bad person  and no one will ever care about you"I heard in my head."no,stop get out of my head get out of my head get out get out just SHUT UP"I screamed while my fire noryoku went into an entire flames."Jaime,are you ok"Kaiden said."not really,I'm just hearing this voice in my head and it's just telling me a lot of things that make me feel like I'm losing my mind"I said while my fire noryoku was calming down."there is a solution for you to get me out of your head,just take your knife and slice your throat"I heard the voice say."there's only one solution for to get this voice out of my head,I'm sorry but I have to get this voice out of my head"I said while I take my knife and put it against my throat."it's game over for me,I guess"I said when I'm about to slice my throat."NO,please put the knife down and you'll be alright"Sadie said while hugging me."there's another solution for this but this solution will do nothing,that voice in your mind is all what they want from you is just for you to kill yourself and they always tell you things that aren't true,believe me cause I've experienced of what's in your head but just ignore them"Sadie said."how do you not have the voice in your head though"I asked."I was able to get the thing that's in your head out of my head and I'm not so sure if I'm able to do it now but I'll try"Sadie said."what is the thing that's in my head"I asked."there mind demons,tiny little creatures that find anyone who's been through something terrible in their life and they get into their head and tell them things that aren't true, they tell the person that their a bad person or their not loved,says that their not good enough or everyone hates them,or the person that the person cares about that they hate them and the demon would also tell them to hurt themselves or kill themself and it's not really a good thing that happened to me and I hate that your suffering with it now"Sadie explained."how can you get it out of my head"I asked."take my hand"Sadie said. And I do exactly what she said."now take a few long deep breathes until you feel relaxed cause that's what weakens the demon"Sadie said while her eyes are closed. I do what she said and we're both taking long deep breathes until Sadie opens her eyes."I got it and you did a great job there"Sadie said. I smiled."Thanks,I Love You"I said."Your welcome and I Love You too cream puff"Sadie said while she's smiling then pecked me on the lips,after we pulled away I just smiled and Sadie smiled at me back."anyways,Kaiden do you have an empty jar so I can put this tiny as fuck demon in it"Sadie said. I snickered."yeah,hold on I'll get it"Kaiden said. Kaiden comes back with an empty jar."here ya go"Kaiden said giving Sadie the jar."thanks,uh babe can you hold the jar for me so I can put the demon in"Sadie asked."sure"I said while holding the jar and watching Sadie putting a very tiny demon in it and we just look at the demon and it's black with red eyes and spikes on it's back."why does it look like a baby dragon though"I said."I know right,I've always thought that about them"Sadie said.I laughed a lot that it took me a little bit to calm me down. Sadie just gives me a weird look after I calm down."sorry,it was just the way you said that"I said."girl,it's fine I just never seen you laugh that much"Sadie said."but anyways do you wanna do the honor's to throw this demon out the window and kill it"Sadie said while holding out the jar with the demon in it."yeah"I said while I grabbed the jar. We went upstairs and Sadie opens the window."you ready"Sadie asked."yeah"I answered. I was about to throw the jar out of the window but I decided to say some words for it."you mean completely nothing to me"I said and then I threw it right out the window and we could hear the jar shatter and we check if it's dead and we look down at the bottom of the building and we see the demon have a shard of glass stabbed right in the heart."there we go"Sadie said while closing the window."that feels good and I feel free"I said."that's what it felt like for me but anyways let's go downstairs and go back to hang out with Kaiden"Sadie said."yeah let's do that"I said.

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