Chapter 10:Separated

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We were all outside chilling around. I was hanging out with Sadie."what happened with you and your dad when you officially told him that You Love Me and he hurt you physically,I've been through that type stuff since I was a kid,my dad always abused me and my brother because were different,me and James weren't the perfect children for our father" I said."well at least we have been through the same type stuff since we were kids"Sadie said. We all went inside to pack up our stuff and leave.

Me and Sadie were on the bus and we were very silent for a couple of minutes."we will always go through very tough things but when things get way too crazy promise me we'll never push each other away"I said." I promise"Sadie said." I Love You" I said." I Love You too" Sadie said. I was at my stop and I was about to leave."see ya later babe" I said."see ya"Sadie said.
———————Two hours later———————

I was in my room,reading a book when my dad rushed into my room and dragged me out of the house."dad,what are you doing" I asked but my dad said nothing. He stopped dragging me and I saw Sadie's dad doing the same thing that my dad was doing to me to Sadie."why are we here" Sadie asked her dad."for you both to say your goodbyes"her dad said. We both started to cry."you can't do this,you have no right to do this" I screamed. My dad slapped me so hard that I fell on the concrete."Jaime"Sadie screamed. Her dad restrained her. I hit the back of my head so hard on the concrete that I almost got knocked out but I got myself up. Sadie's dad let go of his grip and she ran up to me and hugged me."this will probably be our last time to stay together but I just wanna say I Love You so much and I always will"Sadie said." I Love You too and I always will" I said. At that moment both of our dad's restrained us both. My dad dragged me back into my room. I felt a sudden urge of anxiety rush right through me. My heart raced extremely fast, and I felt my blood pressure rise a little bit. I'm getting an anxiety attack.

I've had a couple of anxiety attacks before,but nothing quite like this. The fear of losing Sadie,the fear of losing the person that I care about and losing the person who cares about me the most.

I Love and Miss Her so much.

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