Chapter 18:Warlock

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The one thing my dad would make fun of was that I was the first demon that was born with a mark,my mark are blue dragon eyes and they would show up when I close my eyes and I would keep them shut, and when I open my eyes from keeping my eyes shut for a little bit,they'd appear and my dad would get mad at me and he would yell at me,call me a freak and a lot of insults and that would make me very insecure and sad. Going forward in time of the day before I started little ghost academy,my dad dragged me in the basement and put me in a chair and strapped my hands and feet. He took a sharp knife and cuts the top area of my left arm,cuts my right thigh,cuts up and under my jaw area,cuts the bridge of my nose and cuts through my right eye,he puts the knife down and grabs my right horn and breaks it."now you won't be a freak anymore"my dad said while setting my hands and feet free. After me being free,I ran out of the house,blood was dripping in my eye and I couldn't see through my eye. I found a small house that was a couple of blocks away from my house and I ran to the door and banged hard on the door."HELLO PLEASE I JUST NEED HELP"I yelled. The door opened and right there is a small warlock,looks like my brother's age and also wearing a cute pastel pink dress."are you ok"he asked."not exactly"I answered."come in,I'll fix ya up"he said."thank you"I said. He made me sit down in a chair and he took out a first aid kit."what happened to ya really"he asked while cleaning up my blood because I was bleeding a lot."well,I just got cut up by my dad and it hurts" I said."ouch,I know what that's like being hurt by your parent it's hard"he said."how was that for you"I asked."very hard"he said."also I forgot to introduce myself,I'm Jaime"I said."I'm Kaiden"Kaiden said. It was silent for a bit but Kaiden broke the silence."you know your wounds will be permanent and also you got blood in your eye which mean you will go blind in one eye but I can heal them with my magic if you want"Kaiden said."no it's ok,I'll get used to them and I'll be ok with my now flaws"I said."if you say so"Kaiden said while bandaging my upper left arm. After he finished cleaning up my blood so it doesn't bleed as much and finished bandaging me up,he took out two boxes of bandaids."which bandaids do you want really,I got hello kitty ones and just plain ones,you choose"Kaiden said."I think I'll choose the plain ones,I know it seems a little basic bu-"I said."no,it's fine but do you want me to put them on or you want to do it"Kaiden said."I'll do it but just tell me where to place it"I said."ok"Kaiden said. After going through with placing the bandaids on,Kaiden went back in the first aid and took out an eyepatch."I made this a little bit back just in case someone needed one but now I know who to give it to"Kaiden said. The eyepatch was pastel pink with a pastel purple bunny on it and the eyepatch had frilly lace around it."aww this is adorable,thank you"I said."your welcome"Kaiden said. I put the eyepatch on now feel like me again. While I was walking out."thank you"I said."your welcome"Kaiden said.
————————-end of Flashback——————
It was the weekend and I was just chilling in my room but then James came in."hey,remember the guy I told you about that I was dating for a while"James asked."yeah"I answered."well do you want to meet him today"James asked."of course"I answered excitedly."good cause we're going to meet up with him in a little bit"James said."ok,I'll get ready early"I said."I'll probably do the same"James said. I chose to wear a black shirt that had a pastel rainbow on it and a black cheer skirt,a black choker and a pair of Mary Janes with a pair of frilly lace socks."your ready"James asked."yeah"I answered.
————————-Time skip——————————
We walked to James' boyfriend house and when we reached the destination of where James said his boyfriend lives at,the house just looked so familiar and then a familiar small warlock came out of the house wearing a cute pastel purple dress came to James and pecked him on the lips. My eyes went wide to realize who that is."wait a minute,Kaiden's your boyfriend"I asked."yeah,you know him"James answered and asked."yeah,he's the one fixed up my wounds"I answered."oh,hey Jaime"Kaiden said."hey"I said."but wait,Jaime is your sister"Kaiden asked James."yeah"James answered."well,I kinda see the resemblance though"Kaiden said. I rolled my eyes while smiling."thanks I guess,I still thank you for your help"I said."you don't have to but I'll take your kindness and your welcome"Kaiden said.
—————————Time skip————————-
The whole time we were there,we were just chilling on the porch and listening to music,I like that stuff a lot and also it was a relaxing day. "weird question for me to ask but what are you favorite color or colors and I already know what James' favorite color,his is black"Kaiden asked me and said. James snickered."of course you do know"James said to Kaiden and then,he kissed Kaiden on the lips. When they pulled away,just for me they made me think of me and Sadie and it just made me feel happy."oh yeah,Jaime what's your answer for my question"Kaiden said and asked."for me,it's pink,blue and black"I answered."that honestly is pretty cool"Kaiden said."thank you"I said."your welcome"Kaiden said. Today was pretty good day though,I'm glad that James met someone who loves him for him.

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