The Plan

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A/N: Sorry for the late update 

I flash Charlie my most charming smile. He just scowls. "I told you the plan, we have to get married. That's all." I say grinning widely. I just love Charlie, he's my best-est-est-est  friend, did I mention that? "You're such a dunderhead Eric!... As far as I remember, you bragged about how some Daisy at some club begged you for your number because you were so good in bed just last week!  And only I know that baby Eric is still  technically a virgin, how are Taniyah and Bob supposed to believe that you are gay?" Charlie says raising his eyebrows. I didn't think about that...Wait! Idea! I said I'm killing it today. Charlie, who was about to take a bite out of his chocolate, looks at me with a horrified expression. "Please don't tell me you've got another idea..." he says. I grin wickedly, "I've got another idea!". Charlie sighs, exasperated. He bites into his chocolate with a little bit more force than necessary - Oh! That's what he was getting in the kitchen, his chocolate! 

Now there is something you should know about Charlie, and that is the 'ch' in Charlie has probably come from the 'ch' in chocolate. He loves chocolates. I mean, his refrigerator is stuffed with those. He eats chocolates all the time. I don't even know how he's still in fantastic shape after digesting that amount of chocolate. I would've looked like a fat duck if I ate that amount of calories. I guess some people are just blessed with an excellent metabolism. 

"I need you to sit really really still and not move." I say and Charlie raises an eyebrow at me. "What will you do?" he asks looking at me in suspicion. "Well, I'll tell them that it was all a cover to hide our gay romance and no, we won't tell them voluntarily, they'll ask about it. That would make it sound like a true story." I reply. "Okay..." Charlie trails off. He takes another bite out of his chocolate, looking extremely unsure. "Now, close your eyes!" I tell him. Charlie looks at bit hesitant, but finally does what I say. Charlie loves me too, did I mention that?

I know this is a bit weird. But if I want Taniyah and Bob to believe us then I have to do this. Its not like this is serious or anything, right? I mean, Charlie is straight and so am I; I think so anyway. I take a deep breath. 

Closing my eyes, I bend over to gently nip at Charlie's neck. His chocolate falls from his hand and he tries to pull away, but I curl my fingers round the nape of his neck and stop him. "Wh-What are you trying to do? Eric, have you completely lost it?" Charlie almost yells. "Trust me. Besides, this is part of the plan, you agreed to go along with the plan, didn't you? Just relax." I tell him softly. 

I start biting on his skin once again. He smells good. It's like lemons and menthol. I like it. Umm... no, I don't. I mean it's good. I... whatever. Charlie's breaths are a bit quicker and his eyes a tightly shut. I lick onto the skin before biting again and Charlie bites his lip. He has nice lips. 

Thanks for not noticing that I  said that. 

Charlie's hand comes up to curl up around mine on his nape. I continue licking and biting till I feel the coppery tang of his blood on my tongue. I pull  back. Charlie is a bit flustered and I think I am too. There's a beat of silence and I desperately want to jump on spot to get rid of the tension. "Don't do something like that ever again, its gross." Charlie says not looking at me. There's a big hickey on his neck  and I think it's enough to spike Taniyah's curiosity. I don't say anything. Charlie looks at me and then at his fallen chocolate. Finally he says, "You made me drop my chocolate. You don't get to stay back tonight. Get the fuck out of my face." I know he's trying to suppress a smile. 


I'm standing in front of the café. I can spot  Bob and Taniyah from outside, but I just can't see Charlie.  

The four of us meet here on Saturday evenings every week. Taniyah is putting on a black shirt today and she looks very much like someone I would have a crush on. 

Okay! I've got a crush on her, alright! She has one of the most beautiful faces I've seen. I like talking to her. It feels good. She's a really good friend. So, what's there not to like? 

Anyways, I enter the café and at once make my way to 'our' table at the corner. As soon as I sit down, Bob starts speaking, "You won't believe what happened!" "Really? What happened?" I ask. "Charlie has a hickey on his neck!", Taniyah says excitedly. Time to start the act. "Oh! um...really?" I ask sounding as embarrassed as I possibly can. Just at that moment Charlie comes - possibly from  the washroom - and sits with us. "Hey." he nervously greets me. "Hi." I reply softly. "Eric! Why are you not surprised?! Someone finally defiled Charlie's precious fidelity! Praise the Lord! Such an auspicious day!! Ickle Charlie has grown up!" Bob says raising his hands. He's such a dramatic person. It makes me sick sometimes. When neither me nor Charlie say anything, Taniyah catches up and asks, "You know who did it, don't you Eric?" Her brows are furrowed. I look at Charlie. He's blushing! How did he manage to get a fake blush?! "Um.. well, I... yeah I know... I know." I say timidly. "Then tell us who it is!" Taniyah says. Charlie clears his throat and looks at anyone but at the three of us. "It's... it's me... I... gave it to him." I say looking at the table.  

There is so much of silence that I want to weep.

 "I'm not even surprised! But what about the Daisy girl you were talking about last week?" Bob asks. "It was a cover for our relationship" Charlie says suddenly. Bob makes the 'oh' face. "I knew it!" Taniyah says smirking, "the way you two behave around each other... it's hard not to notice how much you're in love. But guys excellent work at hiding the gay thing. It was the only reason I thought you guys weren't boyfriends." she adds. I deflate a bit, but I don't show it. It doesn't feel very nice when the girl you have a crush on, thinks that you're gay. "Soo... how long?" Bob asks. "Four years... Yeah four years." Charlie says. "Wow! And we had no idea!" Bob says widening his eyes. "So yesterday was your first time... you know?" Taniyah asks, her eyes twinkling. I nod. Her smile is purely evil. 

Enough of dilly-dallying, time to get to work. 

I clear my throat and Charlie finally looks at me. "I actually have something to tell... well, to about." I say looking at Charlie. He nods in a 'go on' way. I clear my throat again. Then I get off my chair and get down to one knee,  pulling the ring box out of my pocket and holding it open, "Charlie Callaghan, will you marry me already? I know this is sudden but I don't think I'll ever feel the way I feel for you for anybody else in my life. I've loved you for a long long time and plan to go on doing so for the rest of my life. So... marry me?" Bob has his eyes almost popping out and Taniyah has let out a squeaky noise. 

Suddenly the entire café is silent and all eyes are on us. Charlie blinks a few times and then smiles a small shy smile. The man does have some acting skills. "Yes, I will marry you."  he says softly. 

A/N: It's a bit long,  I know.  Please let me know how you think the story is going and don't forget to vote .

Married to my Best FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora