Charlie's secret.

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Six months seems like a pretty long time, doesn't it? Well, I really don't know why, but it didn't seem like that, not at all . In fact I didn't even realize that Belle's aunt, her lawyer and my lawyer are coming today. I mean I knew it yesterday, but I forgot about it today. I am dumb, I think I haven't mentioned that. Now, I'm late for the dinner because I was in my bloody office screaming at Dylan for destroying some papers; I really don't want to think about the fact that he might've been lying about dropping water on them, I mean the papers were wet, but I'm not sure about the source being water...that thought was disgusting, wasn't it? Anyways, the major reason of concern right now is that today's dinner can get me Belle's custody permanently and I'm late. If Charlie hadn't called me, I don't know what would have happened. I really don't know what I would do without him. 

I ring the doorbell and wait. The door opens after a beat and...well, crisis apart, I must tell you that no one should look that good in a snug white tee and blue denims, but somehow Charlie has managed to look like...this is criminal!

"Eric!", he exclaims, bringing me out of my thoughts, then he turns around and says, "he's home.". I go inside after him and he takes my coat off and places a kiss on my cheek that makes my heart speed up like a rocket. I just smile at the guests. This is gonna be a tough night. 


Charlie is an amazing actor. I must admit that. Of course I'm considering the assumption that Charlie isn't gay and that he isn't in love with me. That's what the problem is, I don't even know if he's gay. And it's driving me barmy. All the past months that we've spent together as 'fake' husbands have had a very disturbing implication on me. First, I realized that I'm interested in things associated with girth and length, that begin to harden and stand up in attention under certain circumstances, and are usually attached to handsome Charlie-like (or not handsome Dylan-like) 'men'. Second, I've been having more wet dreams than I've ever had, actually I've never had any particular wet dream, as far as I remember. Now I live with my wet dream, see him strutting about as if he doesn't know what the view of THAT arse moving, does to me and wank twice almost five days a week to that image. I mean, Charlie is just so oblivious of his own charms. He is ridiculously courteous and polite, the chivalrous bastard. He will always offer to do your work if it's not your homework or office work. He will cook delicious dinner, he will never forget any of the important dates - you know, birthdays and all that crap - he will buy you pretty things, he will give you head rubs when you're stressed, he will make you feel like the most lucky person on the earth and then he will behave like all of that is just so normal. I don't understand this particular part. It's not like he doesn't get asked out. In fact he gets asked out a lot, but he never goes out with any of those girls. I mean, why wouldn't girls want him? He's the perfect man to start a family with, he's responsible, he's sweet and caring and smart and all of the things that you want in your 'the one'. He's so perfect. He's just 'the one' quality guy...shit! I just called him 'the one', didn't I? was - I was talking about those girls' point of view really! I mean I find him hot and all but it's not like I...I really don't think I should start thinking about this thing. Anyways, my actual point here was that, the fact that he's not going out with any of the girls has led me to the suspicion that Charlie might be interested in me-n, I mean men, it's just a general conclusion from an obvious observation. It interests me in no way, no, not at all.

 "I'll go see if the dinner's ready, why don't you guys talk?", Charlie says as he gets up from his seat beside me and with that he also removes the hand on my knee, the hand that made me think of all of the things I just mentioned. Then he goes into the kitchen and I start talking about a whole lot of shit that I'm not even interested in. For a woman who gets a new boyfriend every now and then, Belle's aunt is ridiculously boring. I just want to throw her out of my house, ask the lawyer if I can keep Belle (like anything depends on what she says, I'm gonna keep Belle anyway, huh) and get all of these things done over with. 

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