I'm blown away

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A/N: This chapter has some explicit content, so if you don't want to read it please skip the italics part. Enjoy the story :)

Did he just say that he's.....he's gay? OMG! My head is spinning! Charlie's gay! Why do I want to hoot?? 

"You're gay. ", I say dumbly, finding nothing else to say. Charlie nods. "Are you disgusted?? ", he asks after a beat, looking utterly terrified. "NO! No, why would I be disgusted? ", I ask incredulously.  I mean really Charlie, I'm under the impression that I, myself am gay, and you ask me THAT question, really? I masturbate twice almost five days a week thinking about your arse, I thought you're smarter than that. 

I just thought that, I didn't ask him actually, I'm under the impression, I'm not sure. 

"Okay... So...you know this whole thing is kinda tough for me. This fake marriage thing. ", he says in reply. "Why didn't you tell me before? ", I ask. That IS a valid question, actually. "I was scared. I wasn't ready to come out yet. And you know,  I was afraid that you'd think badly of it...I didn't want to lose you. ", he says. I don't even know why it feels like there are a thousand golden snitches and butterflies fluttering in my stomach. He didn't want to lose me. 

"Okay. I'm sorry I forced you into this. ", I say softly though I don't regret it even a bit. I'm such a pervert. "No,  you didn't force me Eric, I did this for Belle.  I don't love her any less than you do.  Besides,  you're my best friend.  I can do this much for you. I'd do anything for you,  you know. ", he says. 'Can you swing your arse for me once, please? ', I think. I place my hand on top of his and offer him a small smile. 'I know ', I try to tell him. He smiles back. "You see Eric,  this whole family thing,  it's something I actually want for myself at some point of time. I'm getting way too used to all of this. But I'll have to leave and go away as soon as a year is over, right?  So when you do all of these things,  kissing and all,  I mean.  It's a bit.....you know,...difficult for me. Not that I perve on you or something but you understand domesticity, right? It's becoming way too normal for me. If we have to carry on this fake thing, you can't do something like that. ", he says. I nod. "I'll keep that in mind. ", I reply. 

I can't help feeling a bit disappointed. 'Not that I perve on you or something... ' he said, is he not even an itsy-bitsy, tiny bit interested in me? Domesticity, yeah I understand that. I agree with him on that part. I'm getting too attached to him too. When he said that he likes men, I think somewhere I became a little hopeful that he might feel the same way too...no, no, no,  it's not love or anything, at least I've told myself that. Just the attraction. You know I'm disappointed to know that he doesn't find me sexy, that's all. Yes that's...definitely all. 

"I'll go sit with Bob and all,  you can come later if you don't want to come now.", I tell him. "You don't need to come to us, we're right here and you owe us some explanation. ", shiiiiiiit! It's Tahniya. 

Charlie's head snaps up to look at the door and I turn around to find a red faced Tahniya,  a confused Bob and a guilty looking Belle, standing outside. It's gonna be a long night. 


Charlie's cooking and humming AND swaying his hips again. I can't control myself anymore. Fuck everything. I want him and I will have him. Of course if he wants me too.

I stride over to him and turn him around by his elbow ,he makes a gasping sound but doesn't get to say anything as I cover his lips with my own. He doesn't move for a bit and then he presses his lips back onto mine. I lick his lower lip and he opens his mouth. My tongue slides in and I begin to explore every corner of his mouth. I've wanted to do this for so long. He tastes like chocolate. He tastes perfect. He twines his tongue around mine as I deepen the kiss, my hand coming to rest on his hips. He kisses me back with equal fervor. His hands are in my hair, pulling and tugging at the strands. We both pull back when we run out of breath. Our foreheads rest against each other. He's breathing heavily, eyes closed, lips red and swollen from my hard kiss.  I kiss him again,  this time it's more slow, sensuous. I wish I can stay like this forever. It's so blissful that all coherent thoughts have left my brain. All I can think about is Charlie's mouth, his lips and his tongue. He let's out a low moan in his throat and that's when I realize that I've started thrusting my hips into his and that he's thrusting back. It's too surreal, the feeling of his hard member being brushed against mine, the layers of clothing are a source of sweet ache, an anticipation, a need to feel more. 

Charlie pulls back rather abruptly, breaking the erotic rhythm of our thrusts, and I let out a whine which would embarrass me quite a bit if I wasn't beyond caring about anything in the world. Charlie smiles rather mischievously and then his eyes slide down to my crotch. He looks up at me again, locking our eyes as he slides down to his knees. I'm shaking with anticipation as Charlie undoes my flies tortuously slow, sliding my trousers down, my briefs follow soon after. 

My cock springs out hard and stiff, already leaking a generous amount of precome. Charlie licks his lips still looking at me and I can't express how intense everything feels. He takes my cock in his hand stroking it twice and then takes me into his mouth, our eyes still locked. My breath leaves my lungs, I can't breathe, I can't think, I'm robbed of all ability to say anything. I can only feel the slick hot tightness of his mouth, the swirl of his tongue and the way  he's sucking the head, tonguing  the slit to collect the precome. My head is spinning. I throw my head back as he continues to bob his head, sucking onto my cock like its the most delicious lolly he's ever had. I can feel the heat coiling in the bottom of my belly, my chest tightening with sensation. My cock hits the back of his throat. He doesn't even gag. "Charlie! Oh God!  Charlie, please don't stop, ah! I'm going to cum, oh my, oh God..... ", I keep on babbling,  I don't even know what I'm saying. Charlie's tongue is doing criminal things to me. I've lost all control, my knees wobble and my whole body seizes up as tangle my hand in his hair to hold him in place and I come. I thrust into his mouth and he swallows every single drop, leaving my cock with a 'pop' sound. I sag against the kitchen counter, my eyes closed. "Eric, ", I hear Charlie say  ,"Eric, get up, get up you fool and stop whining! ", he says. 

Wait a minute... why would he say that ?

"ERIC! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP THIS INSTANT I'M GOING TO CHOKE YOU WITH THIS PILLOW AND KILL YOU! WAKE UP YOU BUFFOON! YOU HAVE A MEETING WITH MR. LANCASTER! EURGHH! ERIC LARSON! ", Charlie yells and tosses a pillow at my head. I jerk up to sit down, Charlie is standing at the foot of my bed wrapped in his towel, hands propped on his hips. 

It was a dream. A FUCKING DREAM. I wish someone would kill me and free me from my God damned life. Well... seeing as Charlie is in my favorite outfit that he possesses,  it would also work if that God forsaken towel somehow drops. 

"Charlie... ", my voice comes out a bit breathless. God! It's like I can still feel his mouth around me. "Are you okay? ", Charlie asks, a touch of concern in his voice. "I'm fine.  I'll go get ready, I'm sorry .", I say, nodding, as I tighten the hold on my sheets that are pooled around my hips, lest Charlie somehow notices my wet pants. "You better do that. I'm the one who has remind you of your important meetings, really Eric! I don't know what you would do without me. You'd probably trip over your own feet and die or set fire... ", his voice trails off as he leaves my room grumbling loudly. 

I sigh and then I can't help smiling because I'm supremely fucked. I can't keep ignoring the fact that I find Charlie endearing and adorable even when he threatens to choke me with a pillow. 

A/N: So... Here's another chapter. Please comment and let me know how you feel about the story. And plzzzzzzzzzzzzz comment. ☺ .

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