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A/N: So... I'm back! And... Charlie's gone. 😭😭. Let's see how Eric's doing, shall we?

"Dad...", I hear Belle's hesitant call from outside my bedroom. I remove the quilt from my face and realize that it's morning. The candles in my room have gone out and the morning light comes into my room through the window from behind the curtains. I haven't slept a wink. "Yeah, I'm awake.", I say and Belle comes in to sit on my bed. She has a sad expression on her face and somehow that manages to make me feel even heavier than I've been feeling all night. I don't even know how long I cried, but I'm pretty sure that my eyes are red rimmed and I look like shit. "I... heard everything last night.", she says after a beat and I nod. "Did you really... you know... at the club? ", she asks me when I don't say anything for a long time. I nod again. I really don't have anything to say to that. She shakes her head in disappointment. "Why? ", she asks. "It was Tahniya's plan. We hadn't talked about the... you know... the kiss and I was kinda worried so Tahniya thought that getting him jealous would be a great idea.", I reply. I look up at her when she remains silent for a long time. She exhales loudly. "That's... just dumb. And now he's gone.", she says. "Now he's gone ", I repeat and naturally enough my eyes prickle again. I can't stand the thought of being without him. I never ever have thought of my life without him in it. "Dad please don't cry.", Belle says thumbing away my tears and that's when I realize that I'm crying. Again. "I love him.", I say in a small voice. I feel like someone pierces my heart out of my chest as I say those words, those words which have continuously circled my head throughout the night, out aloud. "I know. He's gonna come around. I promise.", Belle says as she hugs me and I cry on her shoulder.


I knock again. No one opens the door, just like no one opened it for last half an hour that I've been knocking. I do it again. Same results. It's been half an hour since I'm standing here, in front of Charlie's apartment, I practically rushed little of the house after lunch and Charlie is a heartless person who does not care about my finger tips which are now hurting from the number of times I've pressed the door bell or my knuckles which are red from the incessant knocking. "I'll come back tomorrow!", I call out as I turn around and leave. I don't expect him to come back with me right away, I know he's hurt, he's scared of what he's told me. So I'll come back here and I'll keep on coming back till I convince him on how much I need him.


I'm rubbing my hand over my sore knuckle and cursing under my breath when, I hear my name. "Eric!", it's Louis. "Louis! Um... hey.", I say lamely. "What exactlee are you doing 'ere?", he asks me, the anger in his voice is crystal clear. "I need to talk to him. I have to apologize, I have to explain. I need him back. I-I... love him. Please believe me. Please.", I plead. His expression softens a bit but he steels it back to impassive really fast. "Eet does not matter what I theenk. You 'ave 'urt 'im. 'e decides what to do weed you. You should go now. Otherwise 'e weel not let me een.", he says and presses the door bell. Charlie doesn't answer. Louis turns to me with a 'told-you-so' expression. I sigh. Then I turn around and leave.


"Charlie, just open the door once!", I yell and press the doorbell thrice in quick succession. He doesn't open the door. I've been trying to talk to him somehow, anyhow, I've tried to catch him in the supermarket, called him one hundred and eighty four times and sent him exactly ninety six messages in these four days but he ran away from the super market, didn't pick up my phone calls and didn't even check my messages. Now he's not opening the door. I've called Louis too, but he just snapped at me, called me something repulsive in French and hung up. Belle doesn't show but I know how sad she is and I'm not going home till I get Charlie to talk to me. I bang my fist on the door this time and then I do it again and again and again. Great! Now my whole hand is throbbing. "Charlie! Just one time. Please!", I yell again. Behind me, the door to the opposite apartment opens and I turn around. A middle aged lady who smells obscenely like dogs comes out and stands in front of me with her hands on her hips. "If I hear you yelling one more time... listen, I'm assuming that he's not opening the door because you're bothering him. I'll suggest you not to. Because I'm going to call the cops.", she warns me waving her finger in front of my face. "Do what ever you want, I don't even care.", I reply and go back to pounding my fist on his door. "Charlie!", I yell. "Okay.", the lady says from behind me and when I turn around, she's fishing out her phone and muttering something about cops under her breath. "No! Don't! I'll go I'm sorry. I'll go.", I say raising my hands in surrender and then fleeing. Well... shit. First Charlie's ignorance and now a nitwit dog-lady who wants to hand me over to the cops. A couple of more problems is just what I need for a happy and fulfilling life! I really need to figure out a plan to reach out to Charlie without dog-lady or any cops in my way. God, help me!

A/N: So... let me know how you feel about this chapter through comments. Do not forget to vote. Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter has a surprise! 

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