I'll stay

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A/N: Hello readers! We're at the end of this story! Are you excited about this chapter? BTW we're reverting back to Eric's POV in this chapter. Enjoy! I think we'll have one more chapter after this.

I'm sitting on my bed and carefully dipping the strawberry in the molten chocolate in the bowl so that I don't drop it on my clothes while lifting it up to my mouth, when I hear a door opening. I stop chewing and try to determine if the door is mine. When there's no more sign of action, I'm convinced that it's some other sound. I go back to savoring the taste of strawberry and chocolate in mouth and my mind keeps repeating Charlie's name on a loop. I'd gone to his place today and all I got was another threat of being handed over to the cops by the dog-lady.

I've just swallowed what I was eating when there's a knock on my bedroom door. I freeze. Belle's gone to a sleepover party at her friend's place and the spare keys to my house, well, she has one of them and the other one is with... it's not him, is it? No... he would open the door to me today then. But... why would Belle come back now? She-another knock and then, "Eric?", it's Charlie. Oh my fucking God it's Charlie and I'm scrambling out of the bed, almost turning over the bowl of chocolate in the process before placing it hastily on the bedside table and rushing to open the door.

It's been only a week and yet it feels like its been ages since I last saw him that night, he's in his sleeping pajamas and t-shirt and he's wearing his reading glasses, his chest is heaving slightly and I assume he's very worried about something if anything goes by his slightly chopped breathing and anxious frown. "Charlie.", I say, because that's all I can say, because he's right here and want to grab him and hug him so tight that the thought of going away from me is not even a distant thought in his mind. It's like he's read my mind, because the next moment I find my face buried in his chest and his arms around me and fuck, this has to be a dream because Charlie wasn't even ready to see my face, let alone talk, and now he's hugging me so tight that I can feel the warmth of his chest, hear the erratic beat of his heart and smell his refreshing lemony scent and he is looking so silly without a sweater in winter, but his glasses are so hot and he's so damn sexy and handsome and beautiful and I love him so much, fucking hell, I love him to the moon and back. I hug him back equally tight while taking in his scent and savoring his proximity and then he pulls back and shoves me away, hard.

I'm sure that I have the most gob smacked expression on my face because suddenly all the anxiety on his face has been replaced by intense fury, he looks so fucking angry that I'm convinced that he's going to hit me right now. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO DO EXACTLY?! HUH? YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? YOU THINK THIS IS SOME KIND OF JOKE? WHY WOULD YOU NOT EAT PROPERLY? TELL ME ERIC,WHY IN THE NAME OF JESUS WOULD YOU DO THAT? DID YOU KNOW YOU COULD GET ULCER!? HUH? YOU COULD BE ADMITTED TO THE HOSPITAL? ULCERS CAN BE FATAL!!! DID YOU HAVE ANY IDEA ABOUT THAT? NAPOLEON BONAPARTE DIED BECAUSE OF ULCER??", he yells, his chest heaving and nostrils flaring, eyes shiny. "Um... I-I didn't know about the Napoleon thing, I guess... n-no? Al-alright I'll shut up.", I say lamely, because honestly I have no idea why he's saying something like this. He shakes his head and sits on the edge of my bed with his head in his hands. I close the bedroom door and kneel in front of him. He looks up at me and he looks like he has given up, he looks so lost and resigned that I want to hug him again. "I almost hit a tree while I was driving. I was so fucking worried! Why would you even stop eating properly? And you've been drinking on top of that! I almost had a panic attack and then a heart attack when Belle called me tonight. You can't do this to yourself, Eric. I don't know what you feel but I really meant what I said that night. I love you, I always have and I always will. You can't hurt yourself like that. I can't lose you.", he says and this time a lone tear slips down his right cheek. He's crying and call me a bastard but I want to laugh hysterically because fuck, I've got the best daughter in the world and Belle Connors deserves all the things that she ever wants for this. I chuckle. Charlie frowns. "She lied. Turn around, see that bowl? It has chocolate, I was just eating that and strawberries. I was sad and I missed you like hell and I wanted to talk to you, yes. But I can't live without food. In fact I eat more when I'm sad, you know that. And yeah! I haven't been drinking either.", I say smiling softly and Charlie shakes his head in disbelief. "Devious little shit!", he mutters. "I think I should go then.", he says after a beat of silence and I immediately grab his hands into mine. "No,", I say, "You aren't going anywhere.". "Eric, please, don't. I told you I don't want to be your experiment.", he says trying to snatch his hand back. I grip tighter. "You're not an experiment! Stop with that shit already! I just wanted to get you jealous so that you'd talk about that fucking kiss. I didn't mean what happened in the men's, I promise.", I say with complete honesty and he bites his lip. "So, you want me to stay so that we can talk about that kiss?... Well... I meant everything. That's all I have to say about it. Now I'll go.", he says and makes to get up. I immediately hook my arm under his knee and tackle him onto the bed. "No, I want you to stay because I've eaten too much chocolate in your memory this week and very soon I'm going to be a fat lout whom no one else is going to marry.", I say mock seriously. He tries to glare at me but the corner of his mouth twitches and I am so relieved. I lean down so that were sharing our breath and then kiss his nose. Fuck I've wanted this for so long. Why are his glasses so sexy? He holds his breath as I pull back. "I know you meant the kiss and I want you to know that I meant it too. And I want you to stay because I love you so much. So damn much, Charlie. I love you and I didn't even realize that till you got yourself that six feet three inches of a boyfriend. I hate him just as much as I love you.", I say because I've waited too long and now I'll tell the whole world about this because I can't hold back anymore. When I pull back his face is flushed and his eyes are bright. "You want to stay married... because you-you lo-love me? ", he asks a little breathlessly and I nod. "Yes and I need you to believe me. Tell me you believe me, Charlie. Tell me you're staying. ", I say beseechingly. He takes in a trembling breath and then brings up one hand to gingerly cup my cheek. His expression is searching. And I look him directly in the eyes, 'please Charlie, believe me, I love you.', I think at him. He blinks and I'm almost sure he's heard me.

"I'll stay.", he says softly after a beat, a shy smile playing on his lips. He strokes my jaw with his fingers and stares up at me with pink cheeks and parted lips and fuck, if I don't kiss him right now, it'll be a crime against myself. I waste no time in leaning down and placing my lips on his and it's so familiar and so new at the same time that I want to never stop. He makes a small sound at the back of his throat and then winds both of his hands into my hair, pulling me closer. My elbows are straining from how awkwardly I'm leaning over him and slowly,we sit up, our lips never leaving each other. We kiss sitting beside each other and then I tentatively lick his lower lip. He immediately opens his mouth granting me access and I push my tongue into his mouth, our tongues twisting around each other. It's hot, slick and wet and I can't help running my hands all over his chest, his muscled biceps before finally cupping his face in my hands. He's making small breathy sounds and I swallow each and every one of those greedily. I run my tongue along the roof of his mouth and he whimpers. Suddenly the whole thing feels so surreal provided how this week has been that I clutch at him desperately, kissing him as passionately as I can. He kisses me back with equal fervor and I just cannot get enough of him, I don't think I ever will.

He pushes at my chest gently and slowly wrenches his mouth off mine, panting. "God, Eric give me a second, will you? I need to breathe.", he says in a reprimanding tone, but I don't miss the small satisfied smile on his kiss swollen lips. I chuckle and bury my face in his neck inhaling his scent. "Are you sniffing me?", he asks me, moving away to look at me incredulously, with raised eyebrows. "You smell like lemons and menthol, it's refreshing.", I say, shrugging and pulling him back to resume my earlier position. He giggles and then turns to face me. "That's my soap, you dunderhead!", he says and I lean in to kiss him again. He goes on to turn his face and the kiss lands on his glasses; we both laugh. He takes off his glasses, and climbs on the bed to place it on the table. His arse sways from side to side as he crawls and suddenly all the playfulness of the previous moment evaporates like camphor. All the blood in my brain rushes south and I will my body to keep itself in control. I only have a T-shirt and boxers on for God's sake. My clothing will do nothing to hide it if I get a stiffy of the size of the Eiffel Tower. "Chocolate!", Charlie says suddenly and when I look up at his face, my brain completely shuts down. He's licking chocolate, no... he's sucking the chocolate from his middle finger, like hollowing his cheeks and loudly sucking, before leaving it off with a pop. He looks at me and gives me a childish smile. I smile back, though a little strained. He dips the finger in the chocolate again, and extends it towards me. "You want?", he asks. Fuck, fuck, fuck. "Um... No I'll pass.", I reply and he shrugs, before promptly sucking it off again. I really don't want to scare him away right now, but if he doesn't stop... He hums around his finger as he sucks it off, his eyes shut in pleasure and before I know what I'm doing I'm tugging at his wrist to stop him from torturing me like that. "Wha-!", he says surprised but doesn't stop me anyway. "Don't do that it's bothering me.", I say seriously and he frowns; he gaze sweeps over me curiously before he suddenly freezes, eyes widening and breath hitching. "Oh, that.", he says, cheeks turning pink, and I look up at him from where I'd been scowling at the bowl of chocolate. "What?", I ask; he clears his throat and then, almost hesitantly, his eyes slide down to my crotch. My face heats as I look down and find a very prominent bulge on my boxers, how great; here I am, trying to reassure him that this isn't some experiment, which it is not, and there's my treacherous cock ruining everything. I'm still mortified and staring, rather glaring at my stiffy, when Charlie clears his throat again. "Do you need some help with that?", he asks shyly. My heart accelerates at the speed of light and my cock twitches gleefully at the suggestion.

A/N: Please vote and comment. Ready for the next chapter 😏😏😏?

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