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A/N: so here's what happens next

"Charlie!", I call after him when I spot him leaving through the doors. He doesn't hear me, even if he does he doesn't turn around. I quickly get outside right after him and find him standing and talking to Tahniya. "Charlie!", this time he turns to look at me. "Done already?", he asks as he gives me mischievous smile, it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "It was a mistake. I really didn't want that to happen.", I justify. Tahniya has a pitiful expression on her face. 'Sorry', she mouths. "You coming home or are you going with her? I'm not feeling good here anymore. I'm going anyway.", he asks non chalantly. "I will come with you.", I say at once. He nods and heads towards the parking.

"Hey, I'm really sorry.", Tahniya tells me once he's out of sight. "It's not your fault Tan, don't apologize. I just forgot that he never gets jealous at all. Or maybe last night was just... maybe it was just a spur of the moment mistake.", I say sighing. Charlie comes up with the car and I wave at Tahniya before climbing in. The rest of the drive is quiet.


"You didn't say how this one was?", Charlie asks once we've changed and are sitting on my bed. I know he's talking about the blowjob. I had the habit of telling him in explicit detail what exactly my nightly escapades used to be like. But that was before, well, before I realized I'm gay, before I realized that I've had more than friends type of feelings for Charlie for much longer I've known and it was also before I fell in love with him. "I swear I didn't want it to happen.", I tell him again. "Okay, keep the juicy details to yourself if you want. Anyways... do you need anything?", he asks. "No, I think we... we should go to sleep now, we can talk again in the morning.", I tell him. Right now I just want to feel his warmth beside me. "Okay. Good night then.", he replies and gets up from the bed to get to the door. "Where are you going?", I ask him in confusion. "You are not sick anymore. You don't need me.", he says and leaves. I don't sleep well at all.


"Why aren't you dressed yet?", I ask Charlie as he patters about in the kitchen. He's baking a cake, I think. "Because I'm not going today.", he replies without so much as looking at me. "But it's Saturday, we always go to the café on Saturdays.", I say. "Yeah I know. But I'm not going today. Do you or do you not want chocolate cake for dessert today?", he asks me. "I'd like that", I say. And I would really like that. Charlie's a dab hand at baking and I know better than to reject a chocolate cake right now. Christmas is coming up, it is cake season after all. "Go on then. And yeah, say hi to Bob and Tahniya for me.", he says as he puts... something... into the microwave. I nod. "Bye Belle!", I call out as I get out of the door. A faint yell of 'bye dad!', reaches my ears before I click the door shut behind me.


"I think it was the worst idea that someone could ever have. I mean really, Tan, don't you think if you could make Charlie blurt out his feelings by trying to get him jealous, he would've confessed years ago?", Bob asks Tahniya with an ' are-you-serious ' expression on his face. "It was pretty shitty actually.", Tahniya agrees. "Wait a minute, what do you mean by years ago?", I ask Bob. He gives me that same look he was giving Tahniya seconds ago and Tahniya sighs. "Years ago means middle school time.", she states matter-of-factly. "You're not saying what I think you're saying!", I say looking at her face, searching for something. This can't be, Charlie couldn't have-"I'm saying exactly what you think I'm saying. , she says. "Oh my gosh! This is not, oh God! Fuck, how come I, oh, fuck!", I whisper to myself. "I had a huge crush on him back then, you know? I think it was high school Halloween party at your place, I'd decided I would ask him out. So, I kind of waited till everyone left. We were staying the night at your place, me, Bob, and Charlie and Bob and you were completely pissed. I think Bob was strutting about in the kitchen and I came out of the washroom to look for Charlie and there you guys were, on the sofa. You were asleep with your head on his lap and he was carding his fingers through your hair. When I told him that I wanted to talk in private for a bit, he was like 'go on' and then he caught up that I didn't want you to be there so he asked me to wait and he was sooo careful when he lifted your head up and placed it on a sofa cushion... then he fetched a quilt from your room and tucked you in. If I hadn't been a tad bit jealous back then, the whole gesture, well... it was sooo sweet. He'd said that he couldn't go out with me. I'd spent quite some time wishing that he would take his bloody eyes off you once, he didn't and I moved on. You're so oblivious Eric. If what Charlie feels for you isn't love, then I really don't know what is. Because I know, I've seen him. It's my greatest desire to have someone who would look at me the way Charlie looks at you, who would care that way. I never had a chance with him because, well... I'm the wrong gender. But I won't let some six feet three inches arsehole snatch away your chance with him. It would be a blessing to have Charlie as a life partner and I'll make sure you guys have each other. ", Tahniya says. I place my hand on her forearm and she gives me a smile. I really do have the best people in the world as my friends. "Charlie definitely felt that the kiss was fake, didn't he?", I ask and Bob nods. "Listen Eric, enough of beating about the bush, you go home and tell him everything tonight, alright?", Bob tells me patting me on the shoulder. I nod. Right... I'll tell him tonight.


"What do you mean you don't know?", I ask Belle. "He just said he'll be back before dinner and that he had just something to do. I can't force the information out of him, can I? It's not my fault that he isn't picking up the phone.", Belle replies. I prepare myself for a love confession and I find out the very person I need to confess to is not in the house. I also don't have any idea of where he is. How amazing! Wait... what if he got upset over yesterday and decided to leave. Oh my God, I have to find him. "I'm going to look for him.", I inform Belle. "Okay. Dad, I really don't what happened between the two of you last night but if you chase him away I'll be very very upset with you. I love him too you know, he's my Papa.", she says. "We'll be fine. I promise.", I tell her.

Charlie is not in his flat. This was the only place I could think of right now that Charlie might come to. Well, he hasn't. I'm standing here for the last fifteen minutes trying to figure where I should go next and my mind keeps me supplying the suggestion that I might find him at Paul's place. I completely want to ignore it but a tiny part of me agrees with the idea. Extremely reluctantly I get back to my car and drive all the way to arsehole's apartment. I get down after parking my car and inside my head I'm praying to God that I don't find Charlie here or even if I do, I would want to see that he's fighting with Paul and then breaking up with him. I climb up the flight of stairs and stop in front of maroon door of Paul's apartment. I place my hand on the door and take a long breath. God, please don't let Charlie be here, please. I exhale and push my hand against the door quite unintentionally and the door opens. It wasn't locked. Now, that's just plain weird. I know I shouldn't enter without ringing the doorbell, but I can't help giving into the desire of sneaking in to find out what arsehole is so busy doing that he left the door open.

Paul's flat is neat. The living room is cozy, the walls are painted a plain lilac color. There are photos on one wall, probably his friends and family. The kitchen is small but clean, there's a bathroom and two bedrooms. The laughter is coming from the room I'm standing closer to. It sounds too much like Charlie. It's a very distressing thought. Plucking up all the courage in my body, I take a step into the room. I freeze.

Paul has Charlie pinned up against the wall, with one hand he keeps Charlie's hands pinned above his head and the other is splayed on the small of his back, dangerously close to his arse. Charlie's head is thrown back and his face is flushed as Paul buries his face in Charlie's neck, probably kissing and licking him, maybe biting even. Charlie bites his already kiss swollen lip, then laughs again. "Paul, it tickles!", he says, a little breathlessly. Paul chuckles, lifts his head and kisses Charlie on the lips. Charlie kisses him back. Something inside me aches so hard that I want to shrink into one point and disappear. I feel my eyes stinging, tears threatening to spill out. I turn around, and rush out of the apartment as quietly as I can.

A/N: Let me know what you think of this chapter through comments! Plzzzzz vote. It would mean a lot. Hope you enjoyed. 

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