I hate towels.

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A/N: You're so damn hot by OK go!! It's such a perfect match for this chapter! 

I hate towels. Yes, I really do. Especially I hate them when Charlie comes into my room every morning wrapped in nothing but a very fluffy looking blush pink towel to wake me up. No,  he doesn't do that because he wants to, he does it because I don't wake up the first time he comes to call me before he showers. You see, he didn't know that I don't go to office early, except for the days I have meetings, but now he does. So he tells me how unfair it is that all my employees have to rush to work early morning when all I do is sleep and how I would feel if I were to be in their place. When I asked him to chill out,  he'd said that Dylan worked hard and that's why he got laid more often, but I didn't and hence the inability to find the one -crudely put- the inability to put my junk into a girl's trunk. Now,  THAT was too much. I can call myself Dildores Umbitch.... Oops!  Dolores Umbridge,  but NOT Dylan. 

So I  agreed to wake up early and as expected of me,  failed to do so. That's why Charlie had to take things into his hands. Except for the fact that I manage to wake up when he calls me the first time nowadays,  but I don't let him know that. I lie down and pretend to sleep,  well,  there's not a major reason for that,  I just want to see him in the towel.  That's all. That's not gay right?? I mean Charlie is hot.  Literally,  like, really hot. You don't realize it when he's wearing something,  but he's well muscled,  he has a lean and long body( he's bloody tall!), gooood abs, a clean shaven rock hard torso, and long legs -they look hairless, but I know he had golden body hair sprinkled along the length of his se.....um...(just)legs, his golden hair is tousled and kinda wet, you can barely make out the outline of his member nestled between his thighs through the towel and God!!  That arse,  it's round and looks great when he walks. So I like to stare at him. People like to stare at other beautiful people,  don't they? Except I wank -almost regularly - every morning, thinking of what would happen if that towel dropped accidentally someday........ 

That is what is driving me crazy!!! I've never felt this-this- I don't even have a word for it. I've never even thought of Tahniya this way!!!

The weirdest thing actually happened last weekend. We were celebrating my parents' anniversary at my their place. It's a custom we'd been following since as long as I remember. Doreen couldn't come of course,  she's really sick lately. Charlie's a bit upset. But he doesn't show it. So we'd just finished dinner and my parents were busy listening to something that Belle was chattering about, when his phone rung. He talked a bit,  agreed about something and then came back to sit beside me. 

"Eric, I gotta go, Tahniya's car broke down in an alley,  she asked me if I could pick her up and drop her off at her place. Can you and Belle get a cab back home?? ", he'd asked, shrugging his jacket. "When will you come back? ", I'd asked. "When I'm done. ", he'd replied and left after flashing me with a small smile that almost felt like a caress on the cheek. 

He hadn't come back for a long time.  So I had stayed up long and waited for him. I had called him, I don't even know how many times, paced about around my hall, eaten some of the chocolate that Charlie has now stuffed my fridge with, watched Two and a half men, forced Belle to go to sleep and even read one of Charlie's ridiculously cheesy romantic novels. Charlie wasn't back and it was almost midnight. I had considered calling the police more than once and then I don't even know when, or how,  but I had flopped down on the sofa and dozed off. 

The next time I woke up,  it was because of the smell of lemons and menthol invading my senses and pulling me out of my nap. It was Charlie. When I turned around Charlie was already heading towards the kitchen. I had got up quietly and followed him to find him looking for something in the fridge. I'd placed my hand on his back and he had jumped. 

"God! Eric, a little warning next time! You fucking scared me! ", he'd whisper-yelled .  That's when I saw his face. There were bruises on his face, well, not bruises,  but one biiiig bruise on his left cheek and his forehead was a little swollen on the right. "Where the actual fuck did you fuck off to?? What were you doing? Have you even seen your face ???", I'd yelled. That had woken Belle up and she'd come running out of her room. "Char-Oh gosh! What happened to your face?",  she'd said with a horrified expression engraved on her face, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. "It's nothing, really! Tahniya was waiting in the alleyway and by the time I had gotten there, some guys were, you know, being...disrespectful . So,  we kinda tried to talk to them and make them go away but one of them sort of hit me and so I'd hit him back and, well... suddenly they got much more interested in me than in her. It...was a good thing, I think,  Tahniya had called the cops by that time and I was saved from dying.  We were in the police station, that's why I'm late...sorry, now if I could only find the bloody ice pack! ", he'd replied simply, as if someone had asked him where he worked. "You, no really,  YOU got into a fight! ", Belle had exclaimed, disbelievingly. Charlie had just smiled sheepishly at that. "Belle, you get the ice pack and Charlie Callaghan, you are coming to my room. ", I'd said firmly. Belle immediately headed to the kitchen and I had followed Charlie to my room. 

"So,  where else did they hit you? ",I'd asked, while getting the ointment out. "Where DIDN'T they hit me would be a better question actually, ", he'd replied,  sitting down on my bed gingerly. I sighed. "Take off your T-shirt ", I'd ordered. Charlie had looked up at me and blinked in surprise. It wasn't difficult to make out the distinct pink hue spreading out on Charlie's cheeks, even in the dim lights of my room. I felt my cheeks go hot. When Charlie remained unmoving,  I deftly slipped my hand beneath the hem of his T-shirt and tugged it off him in one fluid motion. There were numerous bruises along the length of his body and he hissed every time I touched them. 

I was almost done with the ointment,  but it wasn't until our eyes met that I realized how close we were.  Charlie eyes were blue and bit dilated,  his breathing a tiny bit labored. Something tight began to coil in my chest. The whole realization hit me like a tsunami,  but frankly,  I didn't give a shit about anything.  All that mattered was that Charlie was right there,  his lips slightly parted and all I wanted to do was kiss him.  Yes,  that was what I wanted to do all the time,  every time he came to my room in a towel,  every time he smiled or laughed, warm and crinkly. 

I didn't move away,  even though I felt myself shaking from my epiphany,  I couldn't move. I don't exactly know  who  had leaned in first,  but God, I didn't need to,  because we were so close.  Just a bit more and then... "Dad! I got the ice pack-oh! ", Belle came to my room and halted at the door abruptly, probably realizing how wrong her timing was. As for me and Charlie,  we'd moved away from each other as if burnt and Charlie stood up, his face beet red with embarrassment. Belle threw Charlie the ice pack and he caught it awkwardly, but gracefully (is that even allowed?). "I'll er... Go... I... G'night then! ", Belle had muttered and then she'd immediately left. 

I stood up beside Charlie and we  stood like that in thick tensed silence for a beat after which Charlie had finally spoken. "I think I should go... ", Charlie had said,  cheeks an alluring shade of pink,  which had made its way to his neck and even to the tips of his ears. I was staring at him, again,  seems like I want to take that up as my profession now,  because that's all I do when he's there. I can't help it. He's so adorable (I AM NOT SAPPY!).  Charlie had cleared his throat and I had blinked a few times before responding with an 'okay'. Charlie had immediately made his way towards my door,  he'd turned back to look at me once and then left. 

All I could think about how much I wanted to kiss him. I don't even know if he's,  you know... into... into m-men. I'd  seen his T-shirt that he'd left in my room.  I'd picked it up and pushed my nose into the material,  inhaling the lemony smell,  the freshness that made me feel like... like Charlie. There was no doubting it now,  was there?  It's all because of towels.  I really,  really hate towels. 

Fuck towels! I'm gay, gay for my best friend, gay for Charlie... What am I gonna do now? 

A/N:I know it's a long chapter 😅😅. Anyways ,plzzzzz vote!!! It'd mean a lot and do not forget to let me know what you think about the story!! 😃😃.

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