Chapter 13

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You begin to wake up slowly after an unusually great night of sleeping. As you begin to wake up more you realize how close you were to Yang's chest. You rolled over away from her while red in the face and sat up. As you try to figure out how you ended up so close to Yang in your sleep, she begins to wake up as well.

Yang: " Hey (Y/N). "

(Y/N): " I swear, it was an accident. "

Yang: " There was no accident, You were beginning to have a nightmare last night and I just wanted to let you know everything was going to be alright. "

Your face begins to turn an even darker shade of red. You then think about what you said to her last night before you ran off.

(Y/N): " Hey Yang? "

Yang: " What's up? "

(Y/N): " I would just like to apologize about what happened last night, I was just frustrated, and so many people were asking questions, I just wasn't thinking at al- "

You're cut off by Yang pressing her lips against yours. As she ends the kiss if you weren't red already, you were now. 

(Y/N): " Wh- bu, I- That was my first kiss, what the hell! "

Yang: " One, I forgive you, two, I did that because I like you, and three, you're way too damn cute when you're flustered. "

The cogs in your head start moving as Yang says this.

(Y/N): " I'm cute when i'm flustered, huh............ Let's see what it's like the other way around with the rest of you guys....... "

Yang: " Uh, hello, earth to (Y/N). "

(Y/N): " I'm going to go take a shower. "

You hop out of Yang's bed, you see that the rest of your team is waking up as well. 

Ruby: " Good morning (Y/N)! "

(Y/N): " Morning Rubes. "

You walk into the bathroom with nothing but a towel, making sure that you left your uniform in your dresser. Your plan was in motion.

Yang POV

Ruby: " He seems happy this morning, especially after, well, last night. "

Weiss: " Yeah, Yang do you know why he's so happy? "

Yang: " It's probably cause I kissed him. "

RWB: " WHAT?!?! "

Blake: " Why?! "

Yang: " Because I like him, what's wrong with that? "

Weiss: " Well, have you considered other people might like him as well?! "

Ruby: " Yeah! "

Yang: " I liked him first then! Either way, he's so freaking adorable when he's ruffled and doesn't know when to do anything. "

Ruby: " What if he does do something? "

Yang: " Ruby please, you've seen how many guys have hit on me, I doubt anything he could do could get me- "

Before I can finish speaking, the bathroom door flies open with a large amount of steam coming out of the room, getting my, and everyone else's attention. As the steam rises, (Y/N) walks out, still a little wet from his shower, with nothing but a towel around his waist, but everything else was showing.

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