Chapter 10

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I was out handling some business headed to my mom's crib when I got a call from my little cousin Vanessa. We were more like siblings because our moms were really close when we were growing up.

"Hey cuz. What up?" I answered.

"Not shit cuz. Wassup with you? I was headed to work but I seen something so I had to call you real quick." She said.

"I'm out finna head to mom's crib after I finish handling this business. What you see?" I asked.

"Remember that girl you showed me in your phone a couple of days ago?" She asked.

"Yea why wassup?" I responded knowing she wouldn't go on with what she had to say until I answered her.

"Well is she ya girl or y'all just friends?" She asked. "I seen her at the mall with some dude they looked like a couple. I'm not telling you this to make you mad or nun cuz but just be careful." She added.

"We fuckin around heavy. Thanks for letting me know cuz. I know you always gone look out. I'm gon check the shit out." I said.

"Yea do that and let me know if I gotta beat some ass. I'm finna clock in so I'll talk to you later. Luv cuz." She said.

"Luv family." I replied while laughing a little. She was always down with beating somebody ass but I'm sure it wasn't nothing like that with Maya. I'm dropping all plans finna pull up on her because I wanna know what's up.

I called my mom to let her know that I'd be by later tonight or tomorrow instead of in an hour. For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about the convo me and Nessa just had. I needed to find out what was going on ASAP. I hope Maya wasn't tryna play me. I called her to see where she was so we could meet.

"Hey baby what's up?" She answered.

"Yo where you at?" I asked

"I just left the mall and Walmart getting my nephew some stuff for his birthday. I'm on my way home now. Come over." She replied.

"Bet!" I said and then hung up before she could get another word out.

I had at least a 30-minute ride to Maya's crib. It was rush hour and everybody was out. I adjusted my seat, lit the rest of my blunt from earlier turned my music up and cruised through traffic. Just thinking about different stuff and relaxing. I got a text from Wes, funny cause I was just finna call bro and tell him about what Vanessa has told me.

From MY BROTHA 🤝: ayye bro I need u 2 take me 2 get my car later n ask Maya if errthang wit lay ok she been real emotional 2day don't tell her I said it

To MY BROTHA 🤝: I got you bruh and I'm goin 2 da crib now imma ask her

To MY BROTHA 🤝: bet we otw

Sound like it's that time of the month for her. Now that I think about it tho I did see some text messages a few weeks ago in Maya's phone from Lay about her being emotional tired and hungry all the time. I didn't wanna say anything, because I didn't want Maya to know that I be going through her phone and shit. Oh well though, I was gone look out for bro and get the information he needed if there was any.


I spent another $500 on my nephew inside of Walmart. His ass is so spoiled, he won't get shit else until Christmas at this point. I can't wait to have kids someday. I know they gone be spoiled as fuck. After standing in line for 20 minutes I was tired and ready to go. I don't understand why Walmart always only got 2-3 lanes open.

I made my way to my car put the stuff in my backseat and got in. *buzz* *buzz* I got a text from GUY FROM MALL 🙄😍: it was nice meeting with you today beautiful I shoulda kissed you. Let's link whenever 😘. I was going to reply right away but I decided to wait a while because I didn't wanna seem too thirsty. Plus I have a good ass man and I let some innocent shopping go a little too far. I set my phone in the cup holder and then I pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards the house.

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