Chapter 15

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*3 weeks later*

These past few weeks been a breeze. I been just chilling around the house, in class or doing online shopping. I changed my work schedule to PRN so I go in when I feel like it. Wes offered to pay my part of the bills as long as I continued to study and got the nursery together for our babies. That was easy because I knew exactly what theme I wanted their room to be and I loved shopping. All the decorations in their room are gonna be grey and white. I found some of the cutest wall decorations. I have a list of names picked out but me and Wes really can't decide which two we're gonna go with. I want their names to rhyme or have similar spelling. He wants our son to be Wesley Jr and our daughter to be named Janiyah. I like Janiyah Lesley and Jaylin Wesley. I'm sure we'll figure it out eventually though. I was just about to go check for a package that was supposed to be delivered today when my phone started to ring. I grabbed it off the dresser and realized it was my mommy calling.

Operator: you have a collect call from Melissa Black. To accept this call press zero. I was too thirsty. I pressed zero like 5 times.

I spent the next half hour talking to my mommy. I missed her so much, I filled her in on everything she barely got a word in. She was truly my best friend. She told me that she should be out within the next couple of months. She got time cuts for good behavior. She also told me how she let go of anything that could get her in trouble so I knew she meant she got rid of the phone she had in there. I want her to meet Wes when she gets out, I hope she likes him. He would be the second guy I ever introduced to my mommy. She promised she'd be calling me back within a few days and I couldn't wait.

I went to the porch and got my package then checked the mail. I had stuff coming in daily I couldn't even remember what was inside this one. I set it in the corner with a few others then went into the kitchen to fulfill one of my cravings. Wes made sure I kept a jar of pickles. I went through at least one a week. He's always joking saying ima turn into a pickle. I be wanting to be up under him more and more each day. I can't get enough of him, I been craving a real nigga for too long.

After I ate a couple pickles I couldn't stand them anymore. I went into the twins room to start decorating some more. I wanted everything to be just right so I barely even let Wes help me. They have so much stuff already, I order everything that I come across if I think it's cute. Everybody keep telling me to stop ordering stuff because I still haven't even had a baby shower yet let alone started planning one. I may just have a small diaper party because my babies really don't need anything but as I've seen you can never have too many diapers. I still can't believe I'm actually pregnant at times. This isn't how I seen my life going but I'm trusting the process and going with the flow.

After working on the room for 2 hours or so I was tired and long overdue for a nap so i was going to do just that. I still had so much more to do to their room but I still had plenty of time to get it done so I wasn't worried about it too much. I hopped in my bed and cuddled up with my body pillow laying there until I could fall asleep.


Kyle been spending nights at his moms more and more lately. I know I messed up by lying to him but if we gone make it work we both gone have to have a lot of forgiveness in our hearts. He barely answers the phone at night, got me wondering if another bitch is in the picture. I'd do just about anything to get back to the way we used to be.

It was around 1am when I finally stopped calling his phone tonight. I've had enough and was ready to do a pop up. I hopped out of bed threw some leggings a polo hoodie and ugg boots on and headed for the door. I got in my car letting it warm up a little because it was a little cold outside, that's how i knew fall was officially here. After about 5 minutes I took off towards Kyles moms house blasting my music.

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